Homemade Dog Bowl, Feeding Station & Treat Dispenser What did People Feed Dogs Before There was Dog Food? Pedigree, Wallmart, Purina Dog Food Ingredients Puppy and Dog Food Types Reviews and Analysis Best Canned Dog Food Brands for Small & Large Dogs Best Dry Dog Food Brands for Small & Large Dogs What is The Best Dog Food to Buy for Your Dog? Dog Food Misconceptions Dog Food Facts vs Reality Choose the Best Food for your Dog Canine Natural Organic Healthy Treats Dog and Puppy Calories Calculator & Size Guide Best Dog Food for Senior Dogs Premium Dry & Wet Dog Food Dog and Puppy Organic Natural Food Dog and Puppy Food Bowls Homemade Healthy Dog Food Recipes Dog Poisons & Dangerous Food Chocolate vs Dog Misconceptions What Dog Food is Made Out Of? Eukanuba, Proplan, Royal Canin Dog Food Recalls Do Dogs Like Dog Food? Diet Dog Food Food for Puppies Dog Food Prices Top Dog Food Brands Dog vs Wolf Diet Dog Calories Table Dog Eat, Chew
POISONOUS & DANGER DOG FOOD TYPES !!! This information proudly presented by WWW.ROVER.COM and WWW.HELLAWELLA.COM and Lili Chin and PETCARER
STRONGEST DOG POISONS This article proudly presented by WWW.PETS WEBMD.COM and WWW.VETSTREET.COM and
Prescription medications for people. Drugs that might be beneficial or even lifesaving for people can have the opposite effect in pets. And it doesn't always take a large dose to do major damage. Some of the most common and harmful medications that poison dogs include:
Prescription anti-inflammatory and pain medications can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers or kidney failure. Antidepressants can cause vomiting and, in more serious instances, serotonin syndrome a dangerous condition that raises temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and may cause seizures. Blood pressure medications.
Over the counter medications. This group contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen and naproxen (Advil, Alleve), as well as herbal and nutraceutical products - fish oil, joint supplements.
Pet medications. Just as we can be sickened or killed by medications intended to help us, cases of pet poisoning by veterinary drugs are not uncommon. Some of the more commonly reported problem medications include painkillers and de-wormers.
Household products, from cleaners to fire logs. Just as cleaners like bleach can poison people, they are also a leading cause of pet poisoning, resulting in stomach and respiratory tract problems. Not surprisingly, chemicals contained in antifreeze, paint thinner, and chemicals for pools also can act as dog poison. The pet poisoning symptoms they may produce include stomach upset, depression, and chemical burns.
People food. Your canine companion may look so cute as he sits there begging for a bite of your chocolate cake or a chip covered in guacamole, but not giving him what he wants could save his life. Animals have different metabolisms than people. Some foods and beverages that are perfectly safe for people can be dangerous, and sometimes fatal, for dogs.
Though not harmful to people, chocolate products contain substances called methylxanthines that can cause vomiting in small doses, and death if ingested in larger quantities. Darker chocolate contains more of these dangerous substances than do white or milk chocolate. The amount of chocolate that could result in death depends on the type of chocolate and the size of the dog. For smaller breeds, just half an ounce of baking chocolate can be fatal, while a larger dog might survive eating 4 ounces to 8 ounces. Coffee and caffeine have similarly dangerous chemicals. Alcohol. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in animals are similar to those in people, and may include vomiting, breathing problems, coma and, in severe cases, death. Avocado. You might think of them as healthy, but avocadoes have a substance called persin that can act as a dog poison, causing vomiting and diarrhea. Macadamia nuts.Dogs may suffer from a series of symptoms, including weakness, overheating, and vomiting, after consumption of macadamia nuts. Grapes and raisins.Experts aren't sure why, but these fruits can induce kidney failure in dogs. Even a small number may cause problems in some dogs. XylitolThis sweetener is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures. Liver failure also has been reported in some dogs.
Plants. They may be pretty, but plants aren't necessarily pet friendly. Some of the more toxic plants to dogs include: Lilies Easter, day, tiger, Japanese and Asiatic varieties can cause kidney failure in cats. Lilies of the valley can cause heart rhythm problems and death in dogs and cats. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe Jimson weed - also known as devil's trumpet, can cause restlessness, drunken walking and respiratory failure in dogs and cats. Toxicity Ranking: moderate. Azaleas and rhododendrons. These pretty flowering plants contain toxins that may cause vomiting, diarrhea, coma, and potentially even death. Tulips and daffodils. The bulbs of these plants may cause serious stomach problems, convulsions, and increased heart rate. Sago palms. Eating just a few seeds may be enough to cause vomiting, seizures, and liver failure. Rodenticides, if ingested by dogs, can cause severe problems. The symptoms depend on the nature of the poison, and signs may not start for several days after consumption. In some instances, the dog may have eaten the poisoned rodent, and not been directly exposed to the toxin.
Lawn and garden products. Products for your lawn and garden may be poisonous to pets that ingest them.
Insecticides - including sprays, bait stations, and spot on flea/tick treatments. Ingestion of insecticides and pesticides, especially those that contain organophosphates - disulfoton, often found in rose-care products, can be life-threatening to dogs, even when ingested in small amounts. While spot-on flea and tick treatments work well for dogs, they can be very toxic to cats when not applied appropriately. Cat owners should read labels carefully, as those that contain pyrethrins or pyrethroids - a derivative of the Chrysanthemum flower, are severely toxic if directly applied or ingested.
Antidepressant human drugs - such as Prozac, Paxil, Celexa and Effexor. Of all prescription medications, antidepressants account for the highest number of calls to Pet Poison Helpline. When ingested, they can cause neurological problems in dogs like sedation, incoordination, agitation, tremors and seizures.
Fertilizers - including bone meal, blood meal and iron-based products. While some fertilizers are fairly safe, certain organic products that contain blood meal, bone meal, feather meal and iron may be especially tasty and dangerous to dogs. Large ingestions can cause severe pancreatitis or even form a concretion in the stomach, obstructing the gastrointestinal tract.
Amphetamine human drugs - ADD/ADHD medications like Adderall and Concerta. Medications used to treat ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) contain potent stimulants, such as amphetamines and methylphenidate. Even minimal ingestions by dogs can cause life-threatening tremors, seizures, elevated body temperatures and heart problems.
Veterinary pain relievers - specifically COX-2 inhibitors like Rimadyl, Dermaxx and Previcox. Carprofen, more commonly known by its trade name Rimadyl, is a veterinary-specific, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. While it is commonly used for osteoarthritis, inflammation, and pain control in dogs, if over-ingested in large amounts, it can result in severe gastric ulceration and acute kidney failure in dogs.
Batteries Batteries can be toxic to dogs, leading to ulcers in the mouth, esophagus and stomach. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe.
Kerosene, gasoline and tiki Torch fluids can cause drooling, drunken walking and difficulty breathing in dogs and cats. If these products contain antifreeze, they are even more problematic. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe (potentially life threatening).
Mothballs Especially if they contain naphthalene, can be toxic to dogs and cats, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, increased drinking and urination, and seizures. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe (potentially life threatening).
Tobacco Can be toxic to dogs! Ingestion of nicotine in the tobacco plant or in cigarettes or patches can lead to vomiting, tremors, collapse and death. Toxicity Ranking: moderate to severe.
Unbaked bread dough Can expand in the stomach. If the stomach twists, cutting off the blood supply, emergency surgery is needed. The yeast in the dough can also produce alcohol, leading to seizures and respiratory failure. Toxicity Ranking: mild to severe.
Windshield wiper fluid Can contain methanol or ethylene glycol. Ingestion of methanol can cause low blood sugar and drunken walking in dogs and cats. Toxicity Ranking: mild to moderate.
WET FOODS these are foods with a high moisture content. They are usually cooked at high temperatures to sterilize them and are then sealed under pressure, although not always. These include cans, foil trays and pouches and the contents include chunks in gravy, chunks in jelly and meatloaf formats. Frozen or chilled pet foods in bags are also available.
DRY FOODS these are foods that have low moisture content. They include extruded foods (shaped pellets or kibbles), flake foods (flaked cereals) and biscuits/mixers. These are often packed in bags, but biscuits which are to be offered as treats may be packed in smaller boxes. Dry foods still contain meat, which may be added in a fresh or dried state. Dry food may be offered dry, or owners may wish to add water or gravy to the food, depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
COMPLETE DOG FOODS These dog foods are nutritionally complete, providing all the nutrients in the amounts and proportions your dog needs. Only complete dog foods are suitable for daily feeding without adding further food products. There is a huge variety of complete dog foods available to owners and they all aim to meet the nutritional needs of dogs.
COMPLEMENTARY DOG FOODS These foods are designed to be only a part of the diet and they do not meet the known nutritional requirements when fed alone. They must be fed along with an additional food type such as mixer biscuits. Complementary foods are often referred to as treats and can be fed to your dog in moderation.
All complete and complementary foods are labelled as such with appropriate feeding guidelines.
Although dog food doesn't come in as many shapes, colors, sizes, and flavors as human food, there are still quite a few varieties to choose from. No matter which type you choose, the most important factor in your decision should be finding a food that meets all of your dog's nutritional needs.
There are 5 main types of dog food:
Dry (Kibble) Kibble Dry food is the most economical type of commercial dog food, and this is the reason that many owners chose it for their dog. It also lasts for a long time and does not need to be refrigerated. Dry food can also help to keep your dog's teeth healthy, since chewing crunchy dry food helps to reduce tartar buildup. When it comes to choosing a specific dry food, read the ingredients carefully, and choose a brand that uses wholesome food as its primary ingredient.
Canned Most dogs love canned, or wet, food, and it has a long shelf life, and is easy to find at any supermarket, but it can be expensive. For some owners, it's definitely worth the expense, but not every brand of commercial canned food provides the protein that your pup needs. The real question is how much digestible protein it provides. Indigestible protein will pass through your dog's system without being broken down into absorbable nutrients, so it's pretty much useless to him.
Also, most canned food is about 75 percent water. The higher the water content, the less nutrient content, so the more food your dog must consume in order to get the nutritional value his body needs. If you decide to feed your dog canned food, it's best to go with a kind that's labeled "100% nutritionally complete."
Semi-Moist Commercial dog foods shaped like pork chops, burgers, or other meaty foods are called semi-moist foods. These kinds of foods are the least nutritional of all dog foods and contain many artificial flavors and colorings. They can be given to your dog as an occasional treat, but they should not be considered a diet in themselves, as they do not provide the nutrition that your pup requires.
Home Cooked Some dog owners value the ability to be in complete control of their dog's diet. A home-cooked diet allows the owner to know for certain exactly what is in every thing her dog eats and to be absolutely sure that his nutritional needs are being met. Feeding your dog a home-cooked diet is time consuming and expensive, but many owners think the extra effort is worth the peace of mind they gain. If you decide to feed your dog a home-cooked diet, get well acquainted with canine nutrition so you can be sure your dog is not missing out on any vital nutrients.
Raw A raw diet consists of raw meat, preferably with some bones - never cooked bones, only raw! and organs mixed in, as bones are a natural source of phosphorus and calcium. This type of diet works well for many dogs, since dogs have short intestinal tracts and strong stomach acids, both of which make it easy for them to consume and digest raw food. Before transitioning your dog to a raw diet, talk to your veterinarian about the benefits and risks.
IS A PLANT-BASED DIET GREAT FOR MY DOG'S HEALTH? This information proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
Plant-based dog food companies have been increasing these days exponentially. One factor for this change could be the alarming environmental and animal welfare impacts of meat consumption. Another is the recent scientific investigations on how effective plant-based diets are for canine nutrition. One study at the University of Winchester recently found that nutritionally sound plant-based diets are the healthiest and safest dietary options for dogs. Aside from that, listed below are the other science-backed benefits of plant-based diets for your dogs.
Maintains Healthy Weight Meat-based diets have been linked to obesity, which is a growing problem not only for humans but also among dogs. Studies have shown that obese dogs are susceptible to arthritis, diabetes, kidney and heart diseases, and cancer. As a result, obese dogs are likely to have shorter lives than lean dogs. One way to manage your dog's weight is through proper nutrition alongside exercise. Many dog foods offer safe, complete nutrition for dogs of all ages, like the Blackhawk dog food. Moreover, a balanced plant-based diet can be a good option for reversing the ill effects of meat consumption and controlling weight. Since it has fewer calories and is rich in nutrients, it enables your dog's weight loss and, at the same time, improves your dog's mobility and energy levels.
Health Protective Obesity isn't the only cause of diseases in dogs. Several studies have shown that both commercial meat-based pet food and raw meat diets can cause diseases in dogs too. Specifically, commercial meat-based pet foods are linked to bleeding disorders, kidney failure, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological diseases, and congenital disabilities. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and British Small Animal Veterinary Association warned dog owners not to feed their pets with biologically appropriate raw food (BARF). Raw pet foods are found to be positive for disease-causing bacteria, such as Salmonella ssp. and Listeria monocytogenes (L. mono), which can hurt your dogsโ digestive system. A plant-based pet food diet, in contrast, can be supremely health protective for dogs. One popular study mentioned earlier in the introduction found that plant-based diets are also linked to decreased incidence of specific diseases. These conditions include infections, eye discharge, cataracts, bad oral health, arthritis, and cancer.
Allergy-Friendly Experts reported that the most common allergen in dogs is protein sources. Despite being known as meat-lovers, many dogs are particularly sensitive toward animal proteins, including dairy, eggs, chicken, fish, lamb, pork, beef, and rabbit. These animal protein sources were responsible for 236 cases of food allergies in dogs. While they might be sensitive to animal proteins, dogs aren't found sensitive to plant-based proteins like grains. Several experts acknowledge that a plant-based diet can help eliminate allergens that dogs have been exposed to before. The idea that plant-based proteins aren't the same as animal proteins is just a myth. Our dog's daily protein needs don't necessarily have to be from meat. In fact, when it comes to more protein content, plant-based dog foods have 20% more protein than their meat counterpart.
It's also a myth that plant-based proteins are unnatural and incomplete protein sources. The truth is, as long as all amino acids that dogs need from their nutrition are met, there's no physiological difference between animal-based and plant-based proteins. What's more, the concept of plant protein in dog foods isn't new anymore. You even see plant-based sources in meat-based pet foods. Plant-based proteins are well-known as an excellent option for sensitive and allergy-prone dogs.
Much Safer In 2018, FDA recalled over 100 million commercial meat-based dog foods due to poor quality control. Sawdust, plastic ID tags, animal microchips, and rat poison are a few of the many toxic and harmful ingredients found in the recalled units. Investigations also showed that other meat-based dog food companies source "4-D meat." This stands for meat taken from disabled, diseased, dying, or dead animals and, be surprised, expired human meat. 4D meats are often contaminated with feces, blood, and other bodily fluids, which pose potential health hazards to dogs that consume them. When dogs eat animal-based dog foods, chances are they also consume all things that those animals had taken while they were still alive. That includes antibiotics, growth hormones, supplements, barbiturates, and toxic chemicals.
Many professionals voiced their concerns about the pet food industry's lack of quality control and indulgent rules. These had contributed to the notable growth in incidences of cancers, kidney failure, and degenerative diseases found in dogs over the past few decades. On the other hand, plant-based dog food is from natural sources. There are still chemicals found in plants, such as fertilizer. However, they don't pose severe contamination risks like 4D meats. Also, where plant-based dog food comes from is always evident. They are obviously from plants. But when it comes to meat-based commercial pet food, we're also often unsure what kind of meat is in them.
Final Thoughts Plant-based dog foods can provide macro and micronutrients your dogs need to stay healthy. Not only that, they're a more sustainable and much safer alternative to meat-based diets. Opting for a plant-based diet can be your dog's stepping stone to a longer life and better health.
HOW TO READ DOG FOOD LABEL This information proudly presented by WWW.AKC.ORG and PUP CULTURE and Anna Burke
One way to determine a good dog food from a bad is to read the label. This is easier said than done, as labels are not only hard to read, due to the small print and awkwardness of handling bags of food in the store, but also because labels can be misleading, as the Merck Veterinary Manual explains. Labels are required to tell you eight pieces of information.
Product name Net weight of the product Name and address of the manufacturer Guaranteed analysis List of ingredients Intended animal species type Statement of nutritional adequacy Feeding guidelines
Product Name The product name tells you a lot about the product. The term "beef" means that beef must make up at least 70% of the entire product. The terms "beef dinner," "beef entree," or "beef platter," on the other hand, only require that beef makes up at least 10% of the entire product. "With beef" only requires that 3 percent of the total product be beef, and "beef flavor" simply implies that there is enough beef in the product to flavor it - less than 3.5.
Ingredients The ingredient list on the label will not tell you the quality of the ingredients or where they came from, and some manufacturers split up the ingredients to make the distribution more equal. For instance, different types of corn, such as flaked corn, ground corn, or kibbled corn, can be listed separately. This bumps corn down on the list of ingredients, even though the actual content of corn in the food is high. Meat is another tricky ingredient. Whole meats contain a large percentage of water weight, which means that the overall percentage of meat after processing is lower than it appears. Meat meal, on the other hand, sounds less appealing to us but actually contains more meat than "whole meats," as there is no water weight to throw off the calculation. While the ingredient list might not tell you the quality of the ingredients, it does tell you what is in the food. This is especially important for dogs with special dietary needs or allergies and is also useful for owners who wish to feed their dogs specific sources of fiber, protein, and carbohydrates.
"Complete And Balanced" Dog Foods One of the first things you should look for on a label is the statement "complete and balanced." This is more than just advertising - the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has strict requirements to make sure that a product is in fact complete and balanced. Complete and balanced diets must contain the minimum amount of all of the nutrients necessary for dogs, which is also indicated in the "guaranteed analysis." This analysis gives the minimum amount of crude protein and fat, along with the maximum amounts of water and crude fiber. The analysis does not, however, give the exact amount of these components, which means there is room for considerable variation. The manufacturer's average nutrient profile is often a better tool for evaluating a product. You can always contact the dog food company directly to get more information about its product. A reputable company that has your dog's interest at heart should be happy to answer your questions and in many cases will give you more information than what is available on the website or product label.
The decision on what to feed our canine children is a complex one. There are pet food companies shouting at you that, if you don't feed their food, you don't love your dog, and well meaning others who want to convince you that anything commercial is taking the lazy way out. There are foods that are "all-natural" and foods with tasty bits to convince your finicky dog to eat. Just like feeding ourselves, it is very hard to sort out the truth from the marketing.
Prioritize nutritional needs. We all can agree that choosing the right food for life can be one of the biggest factors in longevity and quality of life. We also have to realize that just like human food, the best-tasting food is often not the most nutritious. Usually foods with "tasty bits" are sold to satisfy the human's emotional needs more than the dog's nutritional needs and are often the cause of obesity - a common killer of dogs.
Seek the advice of a professional. What "all-natural" really means is often anyone's guess. To really choose the best food takes some research or requires finding someone knowledgeable who you really trust to advise what is right for your individual dog. This is not the salesman at the pet store who has only been informed by representatives from the food companies, and it shouldn't be just some website that made sense to you. Typically, your veterinarian or a trained nutritionist, who can often be found and contacted on vet school websites is the best resources to make decisions for your dog as an individual.
Debunking BARF. One type of food espoused by some well-meaning pet lovers is biologically available raw food (BARF). The idea of this approach is that raw food is closer to what a dog would eat in the wild. Unfortunately, dogs in the wild do not live very long, which, to me, is a flaw in their logic, but I try to consider all viewpoints on issues this important. From research as it stands now, there is no real evidence that there are any health benefits to eating raw meat. If, however, you do want to try it, make sure you do your research and do it the right way. With extreme choices such as raw food, there is no such thing as "I do mostly raw food". Even proponents of the diet will tell you that there are risks if you don't do it exactly right. In addition to finding organic food sources, you must balance the food with vegetables and other sources of micronutrients to meet all of your dog's nutritional needs. Changing an adult dog to BARF too quickly can cause pancreatitis, so follow your vet's instructions.
Carefully choose commercial dog food. Since most of us don't have time to look for and properly prepare organic chicken, it is more sensible to find a high-quality commercial dog food that is preserved with vitamin E or other natural preservatives - eliminating chemicals and using high-quality meat instead of meat byproducts. These foods are formulated by trained nutritionist to be the best & help your dog live the longest, healthiest life possible, something that most of us are not trained to do.
Commonly, BARF is recommended for dogs with certain medical problems such as skin conditions or immune problems. Sometimes it helps, not because of any magic of raw food, but because the key ingredients to which the pet is sensitive are eliminated. This same thing can be accomplished with carefully chosen commercial foods, getting all the nutritional advantages of teams of nutritionists while avoiding the risks of parasitism, food poisoning, and skin problems.
Consider food allergy. Food allergy is a very common component of itchy skin in dogs. Chicken, beef, lamb, corn, soy, wheat, egg, and dairy products are common ingredients which induce these allergies, but, whether they are raw or cooked, the immune system looks at them the same. The key to choosing a food for skin problems is to pick one that does not include any of these ingredients, is preserved with vitamins, and preferably is supplemented with fatty acids - fish oils. Most large food companies now have their own versions of these foods. They are usually sold as prescription foods but are not significantly more expensive than over-the-counter foods of equivalent quality.
Recommendation: with the wealth of foods that are available to help many different conditions, the lack of evidence that raw food provides any advantages, and the potential risks of raw food, I can't recommend that it is a good choice at this time. As research is done, we may one day find that there are advantages, but, for now, high-quality commercial food is the better choice.
The members in the top 10 of dog food manufacturers do not change much over time. In fact, only mergers and acquisitions typically change, who the main players are and what their exact position is in the top 10 in the dog food industry.
1. Mars Inc. (Mars Petcare) Their top dog food brands include Pedigree and Cesar. Mars achieves knowledge about dog nutrition through Waltham research centers.
2. Nestle SA (Nestle Purina Petcare) Their top dog food brands include Purina One, Purina Pro Plan, Beneful and VitaLife.
3. Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G Petcare) Their top dog food brands include Eukanuba and Iams.
4. Colgate-Palmolive (Hill's Pet Nutrition) Their top dog food brands include Hill's Science Diet and Hill's Prescription Diet
5. Del Monte Foods Co. Their top dog food brands include Nature's Recipe, Meaty Bone and Kibbles 'n Bits
6. Agrolimen SA (Affinity Petcare SA) Their top dog food brands include Affinity, Brekkies and Ultima.
7. Nutro Products Inc. Their top dog food brands includes Natural Choice Complete and Ultra Dog. Nutro has staked its success and growth on a commitment to the pet speciality channel and usage of all-natural ingredients.
8. Unicharm Corp. (Unicharm Petcare Corp.)
9. Nisshin Seifun Group Inc. (Nisshin Petfood Inc.)
Mars and Nestle are similar in the following: Worldwide presence Broad brand portfolios Their focus on economy brands mid-priced dog food that can be bought at grocery stores helped to establish a strong consumer base. Extensive distribution networks Efficient and strong brand marketing
AddictionIf your friend has allergies you can't beat Addiction, the leading hypoallergenic brand on the market today. With antioxidant and rich fruits and vegetables, it's not hard to see why this brand has a passionate fan base.
Against the GrainWhen you open a can of Against the Grain you see what you are getting. Instead of mystery meat, marvel at whole chunks of fish and beef pulled straight from the bone.
Blackwood Dog Food Family owned for 20 years, Blackwood is an all American brand. Relying on traditional methods, this food is slow cooked in small batches, ensuring your fuzzy companion eats as though it were Thanksgiving every day.
Blue Buffalo Blue Buffalo is the only brand with LifesourceBits, a kibble with a blend of nutrients and vitamins. It's especially good if your best friend is a bit under the weather, needs an immune system boost or just to keep them tip top against daily wear and tear.
Nature's Recipe With a huge selection to choose from and even breed specific varieties, no stone is left unturned where Natureัs Recipe is concerned. Whether you need to address weight, coat or digestion, these guys have it covered.
California Natural With a limited number of ingredients, this is a great food for a dog with food sensitivites. No hidden extras - means you won't be getting tummy upsets, you can count the happy days!
Back to Basics Back to Basics loves sustainability. Not only are they a family owned company who prides themselves on their integrity, they plant a tree every time you buy a bag of back to basics.
Beaverdam Beaverdam leaves out all the fillers like bone meal and gluten. Instead they fill their product with good stuff such as four digestive aids, trace minerals and alfalfa.
Dogswell With a focus on vitality, Dogswell make "Happy Hips," "Vitality," "Shape Up" and "Mellow Mut", so that you can address your dog's health concerns and keep them galloping in the park for hours.
Holistic You can choose your recipe based on activity level, breed and size to customize your best friend's culinary experience. With a philosophy that incorporates "total body health," Holistic caters for everything your dog needs.
Nutrisource With a selection including grain free, organic and non GMO food, Nutrisource has created the "Good 4 Life" formula, including minerals, enzymes and selenium. You can even go on the website and see the founders' enthusiasm for their product for yourself.
Young Again With a strong commitment to your dog's carnivorous needs, Young Again includes minerals which promote new cell growth which fight the signs of ageing. You will have your very special family member with you for years to come.
Pinnacle Pinnacle supports a complete diet and so include probiotics in their limited ingredient product to support your dog's digestive needs. With gorgeous illustrations on their packaging and duck and potato included in their varieties, you might find yourself drooling over your pet's bowl!
Sojos Complete Sojos uses fresh raw food and freeze dried raw meat. If your best friend likes it raw, Sojos has you covered.
Taste of the Wild With roasted quail, roasted duck and smoked turkey as their key ingredients, Taste of the Wild lives up to its name. Your dog will rediscover its roots and have happy dreams of chasing game in the forest.
Emma Lou's Homemade Kitchen Based in Los Angeles, Emma Lou's uses up to date ingredients such as leafy greens, quinoa and flax seed as well as human grade protein. Your fuzzy friend will feel like a star munching on this exclusive cuisine.
DogforDog Every time you buy a bag of DogforDog food they donate another to a local dog shelter. Free your conscience, and know that man's best friend is helping one of his own.
Fresh Pet The name says it all. Delivered daily, Fresh Pet uses locally sourced ingredients, cooks their food at a low temperature and then refrigerates it immediately. Second to cooking the food yourself, this is as fresh as you will get.
Halo With Ellen DeGeneres as co-owner, Halo has received a lot of attention. Halo is the brand behind Shelter Me, a rescue and shelter organization in Los Angeles. Halo seeks to better the lives of animals and you can find their products distributed widely.
Hill's Hill's provide prescription food for your special pooch. Committed to a holistic approach, Hill's will also inform owners about how to care for their dogs and what to expect at different stages of their development.
When I adopted my dog a few years ago, I kept feeding her the same commercial brand of dog food she had eaten at the kennel. A few months after, she started to develop heat rashes and dry skin. In a desperate attempt to get my poor girl to stop scratching, I started reading up on dog food ingredients and learned that most commercial dog food contains meat byproducts, fillers, and general junk I didn't want my dog eating.
After that, I switched to organic dog food and treats, but that started to get very expensive. For example, the treats cost about $10 for just a small bag.
To save some money, I started looking into different homemade dog food and treat recipes and found that I could save money by making my dog's meals and snacks. In addition to the cost savings, the food I make for my dog is much healthier than commercial dog food. Most homemade dog treats keep for a week or more, and you can freeze homemade dog food, so you always have some cheap, healthy alternatives on hand for your pup.
Below are my favorite homemade organic dog food and treat recipes that you can try at home.
Homemade dog food is healthier than the mass produced dog food brands, and significantly cheaper than most of the organic dog food brands. Making your own dog food does take a bit of time, but you can make extra and store it in the freezer.
Feeding your dog homemade dog food can reduce the risk of skin allergies, boost their immune system, improve their digestive system, and give them renewed energy.
These treats have a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and meat your dog will love. By purchasing organic ingredients, and sticking to low sugar and low fat options, you can keep your dog healthy as well.
While most dogs can handle a variety of different treats fed in small doses, some might get an upset stomach if you switch foods too quickly or too often. Before you start making your own homemade dog food, talk to your vet and ask if he or she has any special ingredient suggestions, as some breeds may be more prone to food allergies than others. After getting your vet's approval, switch your dog's food over gradually, slowing mixing in a homemade dish with your regular food over the course of several days.
Peanut Butter Cookies Dogs love peanut butter, and these cookies are a great way to sneak some fish oil into your dog's diet. Fish oil improves your dog's coat, making it shiny, soft, and healthier.
Look for organic peanut butter at your grocery store. Many commercial brands of peanut butter have unhealthy hydrogenated oils and additives. Better yet, make your own peanut butter using raw peanuts and peanut oil, and processing the mixture in your food processor.
Ingredients 2 cups of flour (white or wheat, if your pup has no wheat allergies) 1 cup of rolled oats 1/3 cup of smooth peanut butter 1 tablespoon of honey 1/2 tablespoon of fish oil 1 1/2 cups of water
Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix the flour and oats together in a large mixing bowl. Pour in one cup of water and blend until smooth. Add in the peanut butter, honey, and fish oil and mix until all the ingredients are well blended. Slowly add the water until the mixture has a thick and doughy consistency. Lightly flour a cooking surface. Roll the dough onto the cooking surface to create a 1/4 inch thick sheet. Use a cookie cutter to create shapes. Place the cookies onto a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. Allow to cool completely before feeding.
Pro Tip: If the dough is too sticky to roll, slowly pad more flour onto the dough ball.
Chicken Jerky I give my pup these chicken jerky treats as an alternative to the store-bought raw hides. The jerky is tough and chewy, so it keeps my dog occupied for a while, and the chicken has a good amount of protein, which is good for a dog's muscle structure.
2 to 4 chicken breasts
Directions Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove any excess fat from the chicken. Turn the chicken breast on its side and use a paring knife to slice the chicken breast into 1/8 inch thick strips. Set the strips on a baking sheet. Bake for 2 hours. Check the chicken before removing from the oven. It should be dry and hard, not soft or chewy. Allow the chicken to cool completely before serving. Store the jerky in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Pro Tip: You can substitute sweet potatoes for the chicken in this recipe. Sweet potatoes make a healthy, vegetarian alternative.
Frozen Yogurt Pops for Dogs If your dog loves to chase ice cubes around the kitchen, then he'll love these frozen treats. They're made from human grade ingredients and include fruit juice and carrots, which give your pup an added vitamin boost. Yogurt has calcium and protein, and can help your dog digest food.
Note that this recipe calls for non-fat yogurt, which is a much healthier alternative to other types of yogurt, especially if your dog is overweight.
Ingredients 6 oz. container of plain, non-fat frozen yogurt 1 cup of no-sugar added fruit juice 1/2 cup of carrots, minced
Directions Add the yogurt, fruit juice, and carrots into a medium-sized bowl. Stir until the ingredients are smooth and well-blended. Drop the mixture into the ice cube trays by spoonful. Freeze until the ingredients are solid.
Pro Tip: Use hard plastic trays instead of the softer rubber ones to make the treats. The treats are easier to remove from a hard tray.
Fruit and Vegetable Strips These strips work as a cheaper alternative to the organic chewy treats sold in pet stores. They also break apart easily, so you can serve smaller pieces as training rewards. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost your dog's immune system.
Ingredients 1 small sweet potato 1 medium banana 1 cup carrots, minced 1/2 cup unsweetened organic applesauce 2 cups of whole wheat flour (white if your dog has allergies) 1 cup of rolled oats 1/3 cup of water
Directions Cook the sweet potato in the microwave for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the insides are soft. Set aside and allow to cool. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mash the banana and sweet potato in a large mixing bowl with a hand masher until smooth. Add in the carrots, flour, and oats. Slowly add in the applesauce and water while mixing. The ingredients will form a soft dough. Roll the dough on to a lightly floured surface until the dough is 1/8 inch thick. Cut the dough into strips. Cook on a baking sheet for 25 minutes. Store leftover strips in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Pro Tip: Do not worry about overcooking the sweet potato. Softer potatoes will mash easier.
Beef and Vegetable Balls Some dogs prefer meaty treats over sweet ones. These treats have a hearty meat flavor and good aroma that all dogs love. When I made these, my dog stood outside the oven door, not so patiently waiting for the treats to cool.
Ingredients 2 6-ounce jars of organic beef and vegetable baby food 1 cup of whole-wheat flour (or white substitute) 2 cups of dry milk 1 cup of water
Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Drop the mixture onto a baking sheet in large spoonfuls. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Allow to the treats to cool completely. Store leftover beef and vegetable balls in the fridge for up to five days.
Pro Tip: These treats do not keep as well as others. Try cutting the recipe in half if you only have one dog.
Turkey and Vegetable Dinner This basic dog food recipe includes turkey for protein and vegetables for added vitamins and minerals. Turkey has less fat than beef, making this an ideal recipe for pups that could stand to lose a few pounds.
Ingredients 4 cups of water 1 pound of ground turkey 2 cups of brown rice 1 cup of carrots, chopped 1 cup of green beans, chopped 1 tablespoon of fish oil (optional)
Directions Cook the ground turkey in a non-stick skillet over medium heat until the meat is cooked through. Add the brown rice, turkey, and water to a large pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook an additional 15 minutes, or until the rice is soft and tender. Add the carrots and green beans and cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Allow to cool before serving. Store extra dinners in the fridge for up to five days.
Pro Tip: Avoid using heavy oil to brown the turkey. The high fat content of the oil may upset your dogโs stomach.
Chicken Casserole This recipe uses chicken, which is a good source of protein, and lots of vegetables to create a flavorful mix. Green beans help your dog feel full and vegetables promote a healthy intestinal tract.
Ingredients 4 chicken breasts 1/2 cup of green beans, chopped 1/2 cup of carrots, chopped 1/2 cup of broccoli, chopped 1/2 cup rolled oats. 4 cups of low-salt chicken broth
Directions Remove excess fat from the chicken breasts and cut the breasts into small nickel-sized chunks. Cook the chicken breasts in a non-stick skillet over medium heat until no longer pink. Add the chicken, vegetables, rolled oats, and chicken broth to a large pot and cook over medium heat until the carrots are tender - about 15 minutes. Allow to cool before serving. Store leftover casserole portions in the fridge for up to five days.
Pro Tip: You can use a small amount of olive oil to fry the chicken if you are having trouble keeping the chicken breasts from sticking to the skillet.
Doggie Chili Dogs need large amounts of protein to keep them healthy and active. Your pup should get the majority of his protein from whole meat sources, such as fresh chicken. Beans also have a good amount of protein.
This recipe blends chicken, beans, and vegetables to create a healthy and tasty mix.
Ingredients 4 chicken breasts 1 cup of kidney beans, drained 1 cup of black beans, drained 1 cup of carrots, diced 1/2 cup of tomato paste 4 cups of chicken broth
Directions Remove the excess fat and dice the chicken breasts into nickel-sized pieces. Cook the chicken breasts in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat until no longer pink. Add the chicken, beans, carrots, tomato paste, and chicken broth into a large pot and cook over medium heat until heated through - about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool before serving. Store leftover chili in the fridge for up to five days.
Pro Tip: You can add a 1/2 tablespoon of fish oil to this recipe. The flavors are strong enough that even picky eaters won't notice the added healthy ingredient.
Beef Stew This dog-approved version of beef stew includes meat for protein, vegetables for vitamins, and gravy for flavor. This is a good alternative to wet commercial dog foods.
Ingredients 1 pound of beef stew meat 1 small sweet potato 1/2 cup of carrots, diced 1/2 cup of green beans, diced 1/2 cup of flour 1/2 cup of water or organic vegetable oil, plus 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying
Directions Cook the sweet potato in a microwave for 5 to 8 minutes until firm but tender. Set aside. Slice the stew pieces into smaller chunks, about the size of a nickel. Cook the stew pieces in a tablespoon of vegetable oil over medium heat for 10-15 minutes or until well-done. Remove the beef chunks from the pan, reserving the drippings. Dice the sweet potato. Heat the drippings over medium-low heat. Slowly add flour and water into the dripping while whisking to create a thick gravy. Add the meat, sweet potato, carrots, and green beans into the gravy and stir to coat. Cook until the carrots are tender - about 10 minutes. Serve cool. Store remaining stew in the fridge for up to five days.
Pro Tip: You can purchase pre-made gravy at some health food stores. This may save you time when making this food.
Fruit Parfait for Dogs Your dog deserves a nice dessert every once in a while. This parfait mixes dairy and fruit, so it tastes great but also gives your pup a nice dose of vitamins and protein.
Ingredients 1/2 cup plain, non-fat yogurt 1/2 cup of strawberries, diced 1/2 cup of blueberries, diced 1/2 cup of applesauce
Directions Blend all ingredients in a medium size bowl until the yogurt is smooth and the fruit is well blended. Serve in small amounts. Store in the fridge for up to seven days.
Pro Tip: On days you plan to serve your pup a fruit parfait, reduce the amount of regular food by one half to one cup to keep from over-feeding.
DOG FOOD TYPES F.A.Q This information proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
This information is meant as a guideline only. If your dog has any specific health problems or if you are in any doubt as to the feeding requirements for your dog's diet we recommend that you consult your veterinarian.
What kind of food should I feed my dog? When deciding on what food to feed your dog, consider the dog's age, body composition, sex, temperament and activity level. In general, feeding a healthy diet which contains high quality ingredients will be beneficial to your dog.
Your dog's diet needs to include the right balance of the six major nutrient groups; proteins, fats & oils, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and water. Any, good quality, manufactured, complete pet food should provide your dog with this basic nutritional balance.
Should I avoid economy brands of dog food? As with many consumer products, you get what you pay for when it comes to dog foods. Economy brands of dog food are made from the cheapest ingredients available, as such; they are not as beneficial for your dog. Their energy values are lower, their proteins are lower-grade, and they contain higher levels of "filler" ingredients. Therefore, much of the food passes through your dog and cannot be digested and absorbed.
What are the benefits of premium brands of dog food? Premium brands of dog food use higher quality ingredients from sources with higher biological values. Because better quality ingredients mean better digestibility, your dog does not need to eat as much as he produces less waste.
Is dry food better than wet food? Dry dog food has definite benefits over wet dog food; it easier to store and serve has fewer odours than wet food and is more hygienic and less likely to spoil when left in the dog's bowl. Dry dog food also benefits the dog by reducing the build up of tartar when chewing and is often less expensive. Wet dog food may be beneficial for dogs that need to increase their water intake as it contains a higher water content. If in doubt, always ask your veterinarian.
Can I mix dry food with canned food? It is not advisable to mix wet and dry food if you are feeding your dog a special diet, especially if he is on a dental diet and therefore requires dry food or a dog on a urinary diet would likely require wet foods with higher water content. Always consult your veterinarian for advice regarding the best diet choice for your dog.
Should I feed my dog semi-moist foods? Semi moist foods, although convenient, generally have a high level of sugar and are not good sources of nutrition for dogs, and can contribute to dental disease. In addition, semi-moist foods often contain a number of artificial colours and preservatives.
What types of food shall I feed my senior dog? The senior dog requires a well balanced diet that is lower in calories, but still has adequate protein and fat, and is higher in fibre. For some older dogs, we can continue to feed their regular food, but in a smaller quantity. Specially formulated senior diets are lower in calories and help to create a feeling of fullness. If your dog has significantly decreased kidney function, then a diet that is lower in protein will lower the workload for the kidneys. Lower fat usually translates to lower calories; so many senior diets have a fat level of around 8 to 12%. Older dogs are more prone to develop constipation, so senior diets are higher in fibre at around 3 to 5%. Wheat bran can be added to regular dog food to increase the amount of fibre. If your older dog will eat dry food, it will help to control tartar build-up and reduce the risk of gum disease.
Wondering what to stuff inside of your dog's Kong toy? The following dog recipes make delicious treats, whether you decide to stuff them inside a Kong toy, or just serve them up as special homemade treats for your dog - anytime! You can either make up your own Kong recipes (based on your dog's personal tastes) using a combination of 2 or more pet friendly foods, or you can rely on pre-tested fillings that have worked well for others.
Following are some great Kong recipes that have worked well for other dog owners. That said, use your own judgment in deciding whether or not to fill your dog's Kong toy with human foods.
Smear some peanut butter on a slice of bread. Fold up the bread and cram it into the Kong. Freeze & serve.
Use your finger to coat the inside of the Kong with something sticky (like peanut butter or honey) then toss medium sized dog treats inside - the kind that barely fit inside the hole and are hard to get out.
Try microwaving some peanut butter or cheese first - this makes it runny and easy to pour into the KONG and leaves very little to waste. Then layer with another food item. Then freeze. The microwaved peanut butter & cheese fills every crack and crevice inside the Kong acting as a glue around the other ingredients making it much more challenging for your dog.
For the simplest Kong treat of all, just smear a little peanut butter or honey around the inside of the Kong. You'd be surprised how long your dog will work at this simple little treat.
Moisten your dog's dry kibble (either with water, or with some much more flavorful low salt broth). Then spoon it into the Kong toy. Freeze & serve.
Cram a small piece of dog biscuit (or a dog liver treat) into the small hole of the Kong. Smear a little honey (or Kong Stuff 'n product) around the inside. Fill it up with dry dog food. Then block the big hole with dog biscuits placed sideways inside. (Make sure they're not impossible for your dog to get out, though.)
More Recipes for Kong Toys CHEESY ELVIS: Combine a ripe banana, 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter, and a slice of cheese. Mix until blended well. Fill the Kong and freeze.
MONSTER MASH: Instant mashed potatoes (without the salt) - or leftover mashed potatoes from dinner, mixed with crushed dog biscuits.
DOGGIE OMLET: Combine a scrambled egg, some beef, yogurt, cheese and mashed potatoes all together
FIBER CRUNCH: Combine bran cereal with some peanut butter.
KONGSICLE JERKY POPS: The equivalent of a popsicle. Seal the small hole of the Kong toy with peanut butter. Fill to the rim with water and a pinch of bouillon (or just use chicken broth instead). Place a stick or two of beef jerky inside. Freeze. (This one gets messy in a hurry, so it's recommended only for outdoor use.)
GOOEY CHEERIOS: Combine cheerios and peanut butter. Freeze.
FRUIT KITTY NOODLES: Mix together some dried fruit, cooked pasta, banana and dry cat food.
BANANA YOGURT: Plain yogurt and mashed bananas. (You can also add a little peanut butter or other fruits.) Then freeze it.
PEANUT BUTTER GLUE: Fill Kong 1/3rd full of dog food. Pour in melted peanut butter (after it has cooled from microwaving). Add more dog food, followed by more melted peanut butter until the Kong toy is full. Freeze until solid.
ROCK-HARD KIBBLE: Combine some of your dog's regular food with cream cheese, which acts as a cement, keeping everything inside.
STICKY BREAD: Smear peanut butter on a piece of bread. Fold it over and stuff inside the Kong. Mix together plain yogurt with some fruits or vegetables (carrots, celery) and pour inside. Freeze. The yogurt sticks to the bread holding everything together.
APPLE PIE: Squeeze a small piece of apple into the tiny hole. Fill the Kong with a small amount of plain yogurt. Add a few slices of mashed banana, more apple, yogurt, banana. End with a slice of banana and chunk of peanut butter on the top.
CRUNCH 'N MUNCH: Combine crumbled rice cakes and dried fruit with some cream cheese and plain croutons.
PUMPKIN PIECES: Combine some plain yogurt, canned pumpkin, and cooked rice in a small baggie. Mix well inside the bag, then snip off a corner of the bag and squeeze it into the Kong toy. Freeze.
KIBBLE-SICLE: Put a glob of peanut butter into the Kong first. Then add some dry dog food. Pour in some chicken broth. Add some more peanut butter, followed by more dry dogfood. End with another glob of peanut butter at the very top. Freeze until solid.
OLD STANDBY: Soak some of your dog's regular food in water (or chicken broth) for a brief time before placing it inside a Kong, then freeze.
MUTT & CHEESE: Melt a cube of Velveeta cheese in the microwave, until it's gooey not runny. Fill the Kong toy with cooked noodles. Pour cheese over noodles.
FROZEN BONZ: Mix up some bananas, unsweetened applesauce, oatmeal, peanut butter, and plain yogurt. Freeze.
CHEEZY DELIGHT: Combine small chunks of cheese or cheese spread with some dry dogfood and microwave until the cheese melts. Let it cool completely, then pour into the Kong toy. Freeze thoroughly.
WHAT YOUR DOG SHOULD EAT This information proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
CHOOSE BEST DOG FOOD BOWL This material proudly presented by: WWW.BEHIND THEBAR.COM
DIY DOG FEEDER You will need... Old or new duckboard. Sandpaper - if board is old. Paint in your favourite colour. White paint. Paint brush. Craft paint sealer.
The directions: 1. Sand down your old duckboard to get a smooth finish to the wooden slats on top. Clean off all residue. You don't need to do this if board is new.
2. Mix your paints - to get the ombre effect you will need the full colour for Slat #1, a light shade - your original colour mixed with white, for Slat #2 and white paint for Slat #3. Feel free to experiment if you want to paint every slat. I just liked the rustic feel by leaving the remaining slats.
3. Coat each slat with a number of coats, allowing each coat to fully dry before the next, until you reach desired coverage.
4. Apply a craft paint sealant to all painted slats.
PERSONALIZED DIY DOG BOWL Requirements Adhesive letter stencils Dauber set - mini sponges on handled tips Metallic Glass Paint Snowflake adhesive silkscreens Handled squeegee brushes Multi-Surface Satin Acrylic Craft Paint in "Wedding Cake" white
Directions We added personalization to both the dog bowls and placemat with letter adhesive stencils from Martha Stewart Crafts. Adhesives make everything better, including letter spacing! Plus you can reuse them over and over. Simply position stencils on your item and lightly press small dauber sponge dipped in paint over stencil. Let paint sit for a few minutes and then peel off the stencils. For our placemat, we applied snowflake adhesive silkscreens randomly to a 10.5 X 22" piece of fabric. These measurements were based on Sebastian's eating area. Placemat can also be square, shaped like a bone, etc! Use Multi-Surface Acrylic Craft Paint for fabric application. Start by squirting some of the paint directly onto the stencil and then use a handled squeegee for an even spread.
1. Apply an iron-on vinyl sheet to top of entire surface.
2. Cut another 10.5 X 22" piece of fabric for bottom of placemat.
3. Pin bottom piece to top piece with vinyl right sides together.
4. Sew them with a 1/4" seam allowance and leave at least a 3-4" opening.
5. Clip all 4 corners.
6. Turn place mat right side out through 3" opening.
7. Press flat.
8. Fold in opening 1/4".
9. Topstitch entire placemat in thread color of your choice.
BUY DOG FOOD ONLINE This information proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
Online calorie counter for your dogs helps you to determine the amount of calories required for your dogs per day based on its weight, activity and age.Use this unique calorie counter to know how much you should feed your pets every day, based on its weight and activity level.
HOW DOGS TASTE FOOD This article proudly presented by WWW.ANSWERBAG.COM
If your dog is like most, he is not the pickiest animal in the world when it comes to eating food. This is generally because a dog's sense of taste is not as strong as that of a human being.
The Taste Buds Dogs possess about 1,700 papillae sensory cells on their tongue, as opposed to a human who has around 9,000. Although dogs' sense of taste is not close to that of a human, it is believed that dogs can differentiate between salty, sour, sweet and bitter tastes.
The Role of Smell The papillae are mainly located near the tip of the tongue. As dogs taste food, the sense of smell plays a big role. The senses of taste and smell are so closely related on dogs that it is very probable that the dogs receive more information about their food by smelling than by tasting.
The Early Years The experience of the first period of dogs' lives has an enormous influence their ability to taste food. Studies have shown that dogs which tasted a lot of different flavors during their early years tend to more willingly accept variety in food as adults. Some dogs really enjoy strong flavors such as the ones of onions and raw garlic for example, while others reject these types of foods.
Don't Be Fooled Dogs will often trick their owners into providing them with a new brand of canned food every day by pretending to not like their food or lose their appetite. They are using the food as a way to manipulate their masters. This behavior is not a product of their sense of taste, but is a result of their desire to control their master.
Defense Mechanisms What dogs do share with humans, with regard to taste, is the capacity to associate the flavors with health problems. If a dog gets sick after eating some type of food, it will probably reject eating this specific food for a certain time. This is an instinctive defense mechanism, aimed to keep the dog from eating toxic substances.
There is a trend with a lot of strict prey model raw feeders, and that is that they seem to be feeding raw simply because "it's what a wolf would eat in the wild." If you don't already know, strictly prey model means no supplements, no fruits or veggies, no dairy, and if you mention grain, you might as well be the anti-christ. But are there options beyond the realm of what is considered "acceptable" in typical prey model raw that could benefit some dogs? Is it really ideal to be this strict, or by ruling out everything except for meat, bone, and organ, are they limiting the potential of their dog's diets? Wolves are carnivores that require high amounts of energy to succeed in the wild. Their existence is closely intertwined with the availability of large herbivores such as deer, moose, caribou, and buffalo. On a day to day basis, wolves are opportunists and will eat any number of small birds and mammals, and even some indigenous plants and berries. But the overall health of the pack is dictated by the availability of large herbivores.
This means that despite what many raw feeding resources like to claim, both domesticated dogs and wolves do in fact possess amylase, although in the pancreas and small intestine rather than in the saliva dogs far moreso than wolves. Therefore, a dog's nutritional requirements very well may differ from that of wolves. Many raw feeding advocates commonly reason that dogs share 99.8% of their DNA with wolves, therefore their ideal diet should be exactly the same as what a wolf would be eating in the wild. This information commonly stems from this Robert K. Wayne Ph.D's quote, found in his study, Molecular evolution of the dog family, Theoretical & Applied Genetics, June 1993, Vol. 9, No. 6. Dogs, through thousands of years of domestication, have adapted to a more omnivorous lifestyle and thus can survive on the many, varied nutritional offerings of humans, though meat would clearly be a preference for most. As far as marketing, the question has less to do with "what", and more to do with "how" each species meets their nutritional needs. Domestic dogs, for the most part, get their nutrition daily. Wolves and feral dogs may go days or weeks between meals. This necessarily affects how we formulate a daily ration for our pet dogs as compared to their wild counterparts. Dog owners should always consult with their veterinarian on the most appropriate feeding strategy and diet choice for their pet.
Clearly, dogs are carnivores. They may not be obligate carnivores like cats or ferrets, but after considering a dog's jaw structure, teeth, short, acidic digestive system, and predatory behavior, it is hard to deny that a domesticated dog is still a carnivore rather than an omnivore. The fact that they have the ability to digest starch certainly doesn't mean that they require it as part of their diet - it simply means that it can be digested, it can be utilized, and that starches and grains may have their place in a domesticated dog's diet depending on the individual dog's energy level, metabolism, and even genetics. Biologically, are their systems the same, any differences when it comes to form or function?
One need only open a dog breed book to realize the tremendous variation, in terms of form and function, in our domestic dogs. Wolves are built to be top tier predators often exposed to extreme environmental conditions. And some domestic breeds are very close to the wolf in that regard. Wolves are susceptible to many of the same viruses, parasites, and pathogenic bacteria that affect dogs. It should also be said that the diet of a wild canine is surely not optimal. Wolves die young, with an average lifespan of only 6 to 8 years old, for many of these reasons. What would a wolf eat if it was able to be provided with the best possible nutrition?
In the search to provide the best possible diet for your dog, realize that simply basing your decisions off of what a wolf would eat in the wild, or what is more "natural", is not the best choice. Also keep in mind that there is not one specific diet that every single dog would be able to thrive on. Dogs should be looked at as individuals that have differing nutritional requirements which depend on many factors, including but not limited to energy level, metabolism, health, and genetics. Limiting your options to strict limitations based on what wolves eat is unnecessary, misguided, and even potentially dangerous. Supplements, fruits and veggies, dairy, and even grain can be a helpful addition to many raw diets. Choosing to feed a raw diet should be a step in providing optimal nutrition to your dog, rather than just a step in providing the most "natural" diet.
GRAIN DIET Have Dogs Evolved To Eat Grains? It really should not surprise anyone that dogs and wolves are not genetically identical. I have to admit that this research does suggest that dogs may be better able than their wild counterparts to handle starch in their diets. It is very likely that evolution is at work in domestic dogs when it comes to diet. But to really understand the ramifications of this statement, we need to review how evolution works. No individual evolves from a genetic point of view. Instead, populations of animals evolve due to changes in living conditions they must adapt to.
Rare individuals are born with a mutation that allows them to survive and reproduce better than all the others so that this new gene eventually, over hundreds of thousands of years, becomes the new norm. I believe that when it comes to the canine diet, we are witnessing evolution in action. Rare, mutant dogs can somewhat handle the high carb diets we feed them, while the rest of the pets are sickened by them. After analyzing this study, I still think that ancestral diets are best for the majority of dogs.
Cooking up trouble One myth about pets that has emerged in reยญcent years is that homemade food is superior to commercial products. Numerous recipes can be found on the Internet for homemade pet food, and several books have been pubยญlished touting the benefits of their recipes for dog and cat diets. The reality is that the actual benefits of such concoctions do not measure up to the rhetoric.
The allergy myth Not every cat or dog experiences allergies, just as with people. Yet a search on the internet about pets and allergies will return a slew of records. By visiting these sites, one might get the inaccurate impression that allergies are rampant and that diet is the primary cause. The reality is far different.
Myths about illness in pets When a person gets sick, they ask themselves questions like:
Did I get too close to Johnnie when he had the sniffles? Was it from all the time I spent on a plane during my business trip? Did I catch it from that person who was sneezing on the subway? When a pet gets sick, all too often these days the statement that first gets blurted is, "It must have been the food!"
As with people, there are many different potential causes of illness in pets. Sometimes a single symptom or physical reaction can be a sign of several possible health issues. Likewise, a single health issue can manifest in different ways. Learn about common signs of potential illness in pets along with possible causes.
It's OK to feed my dog table scraps Since pet food is designed to be the sole source of nutrition for a healthy dog or cat, supplementing a pet's diet with leftovers or with other foods for people is not necessary and may cause health problems. Many leftovers contain too much sugar, salt, fat or other ingredients that are not good for pets. Some foods, like chocolate for dogs and onions for cats, can actually make a pet very sick. Furthermore, feeding pets table scraps promotes begging and other undesirable behaviors in pets.
I can feed dog food to my cat Dogs and cats each have special dietary needs and should be fed the appropriate pet food. Cats should not eat dog food because it does not provide all the essential nutrients a healthy cat needs. As their names suggest, dog food is designed to meet the nutritional needs of dogs and cat food is designed to meet the needs of cats. Pet food products are required under state law to identify the species they were designed for dog.
Homemade pet food is better for my pet than the food I can buy at the store The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) does not recommend homemade meals for pets, due in large part to pets' hard to manage dietary needs. Pets have different needs from people, and dogs and cats have distinct needs from one another. That is why it is difficult for even the best-intentioned pet owner to meet the nutritional requirements of their pet by feeding food made at home. Many basic human foods like onions and chocolate are unsafe for pets, and the chance for bacterial contamination from microorganisms like Salmonella and E. coli, which can be spread to people, is high in raw or incorrectly cooked homemade foods.
According to the American College of Veterinary Nutritionists, "Many recipes found on the web or elsewhere, even from well-meaning sources, may not be complete and balanced, creating the possibility of significant long term harm to animals fed diets based on these recipes. Veterinary nutritionists have identified different nutritional needs for pets at various life stages. Commercial pet food products are designed to meet those nutritional needs at specific life stages or all life stages, and have been tested to verify the appropriate nutritional balance, in contrast with recipes for homemade food.
The balance of nutrients in food is critical to the health of pets. If the appropriate balance of nutrients is not achieved, specific health problems can occur, such as when: Calcium levels are off - too much calcium can result in growth problems, particularly for puppies and kittens, and too little calcium can cause weak bones that are susceptible to breaks.
Fat intake is too high - often a result of feeding pets the same poultry skins and meats common in human foods, too high a fat intake level can result in pancreatic problems.
The pet food industry is self-regulated In the United States, pet food is the most highly regulated of all food products, with the possible exception of infant formula. Pet food is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the states through their feed laws and the regulations developed by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This multi-layered regulation and the industry's commitment to research and education help ensure that pet food products continue to be safe and nutritious for pet dogs and cats.
I don't need to follow the feeding directions on a pet food package The feeding directions on pet foods have been developed specifically for a particular product, taking into consideration a pet's life stage, breed, age and activity level. Feeding more or less based on experience with other products may not provide proper nutrition for your pet. Pets, like some people, may eat too much if given the opportunity. Pet food feeding amounts are designed to prevent a pet dog or cat from eating too much food. Over consumption, like in people, can make a pet overweight and lead to health problems. Generally the recommended feeding amount is in a range based upon the size of the pet. It is important to know the ideal body condition for your pet. If you notice your pet is gaining weight, then the amount fed should be reduced. If the pet is becoming too skinny, then feeding more food generally is appropriate.
Some ingredients in my pet's food are fillers Every ingredient used in pet food is there for a reason. Decades of research have gone into making pet foods that meet the nutritional needs of dogs and cats. Some ingredients serve multiple functions - they may provide nutrients as well as create a pleasant "mouth feel". The makers of pet food do not put in anything that's not needed.
Pet food companies "split" ingredients to hide the amount in a product Some people incorrectly believe pet food makers split up ingredients to give the illusion that some ingredients are at higher concentrations than others. Pet food makers are required to carefully label their products according to stringent government regulations. Just as the case with food for people, pet foods must clearly state what ingredients are included in the product. Each ingredient in pet food is there for a reason and to serve a specific purpose.
By products are yucky stuff By products, simply put, are the parts of animals or grains that Americans generally do not eat. For example, if a chicken were raised for its white meat then the remaining meat would be considered a by product. By products are cultural by their very definition. In some regions of the United States and in certain cultures, animal portions many Americans consider to be by products are viewed as delicacies - sweetbreads, tripe, chitterlings. The by products used in pet food are an important source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Like all pet food ingredients, by products from animals or grains are safe, nutritious and approved for use in pet food by federal and state government agencies.
Rendered meals aren't good for my pet As with all ingredients in pet food, rendered meals are safe and are approved for use in pet food. Rendering is a process used to reclaim proteins and fats. The rendering process involves cooking ingredients at very high temperatures. At the end of the process a fine, protein and mineral rich "meal" is made. This meal is an important source of nutrition for use in pet food.
There might be rendered cats and dogs in my pet food Absolutely not. PFI members find the idea of including ingredients in pet food sourced from cats and dogs to be repugnant, just like pet owners. Pet food companies take great care to formulate products that meet the needs of dogs and cats. PFI members understand the great affection we have for our pets and have gone to extreme measures to make sure no ingredients from dogs and cats go into their products. Pet food companies have exacting specifications and work closely with their suppliers to make sure they receive only the ingredients they specifically request.
Calcium carbonate is dangerous for dogs Calcium carbonate is a common pet food ingredient that is an important source of calcium and is completely safe. Calcium carbonate was defined as an ingredient by AAFCO in 1945 and has been used safely for many years.
Rule #1: Know Your Dog's Weight and How Much Chocolate Was Eaten With any poisoning or toxicity question, know your dog's approximate weight and the best guess as to how much of the toxin your pet may have eaten. Try to round your dog's weight to the nearest 10 pounds: 20, 50, 100 pounds... Get the best idea of the most chocolate your dog could have eaten: three 16-ounce bags of peanut M&M's, 4 ounces of dark chocolate, and so on.
Golden Rule #2: What Kind of Chocolate? The darker the chocolate, the more toxic. Baker's chocolate is scary - white chocolate is almost nontoxic. How Much Chocolate Is Toxic for Dogs?
Baking chocolate: Approximately 0.5 ounce for a 10-pound dog, 1 ounce for a 20-pound dog, and 1.5 ounces for a 30-pound dog all require a call to the vet. Baking chocolate includes Baker's Chocolate, Callebaut, Ghirardelli, Guittard, Lindt, Menier, Scharffen Berger and Valrhona.
Dark chocolate: Approximately 1.5 ounces for a 10-pound dog, 3 ounces for a 20-pound dog, and 4.5 ounces for a 30-pound dog all require a call to the vet.
Milk chocolate: Approximately 3.5 ounces - more than 2 regular Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars for a 10-pound dog, 7 ounces for a 20-pound dog, and 10.5 ounces for a 30-pound dog all require a call to the vet. Milk chocolate includes M&M's, Hershey's, Mars, Kit Kat, Dove, Cadbury, Toblerone, Kinder, Ferrero Rocher and Galaxy.
White chocolate: Approximately 47 pounds of white chocolate for a 10-pound dog, 95 pounds of white chocolate for a 20-pound dog, and 145 pounds of white chocolate for a 30-pound dog all require a call to the vet.
Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxicity.
The "Formula" In case you are wondering how we came up with the information above, there's a formula. If you are mathematically inclined, you can follow the table below and get a good idea of the level of chocolate toxicity. You have to know how to convert the chocolate into its toxic form. If your dog ingests an amount CLOSE to 20 mg or more of toxic ingredient per pound of dog, you need to call the vet right away.
Example 1: Cookie has eaten 3 ounces of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains 130 mg/oz of toxin, as shown in the chart above. So, 3 oz x 130 mg divided by 20 pounds of dog weight = 19.5. Is this a worrisome amount for Cookie? Yes, it's very close to 20. YOU SHOULD CALL THE VET or bring the pet to the emergency hospital. Remember, anything close to 20 or above is an emergency.
Example 2: What if this was 3 ounces of milk chocolate? Let's do the math: 3 oz x 58 mg divided by 20 pounds of dog weight = 8.7. You are not anywhere close to the toxic "magic number" of 20. You can relax.
MYTH: A little chocolate won't hurt Chocolate can be toxic and life-threatening to dogs. As little as 1 ounce of dark chocolate may be enough to kill a small dog. Keep the chocolate for yourself and nobody gets hurt. Chocolate can be very toxic to your dog, but the amount and the type of chocolate is critical in assessing whether or not you have to panic.
MYTH: M&M's or some chocolate brownies kill dogs Do not Panic! - Neither of these products is solid chocolate, so the amount of chocolate ingested is much less and therefore less toxic. The pet may still get an upset stomach or diarrhea.
MYTH: All chocolates - the same bad for dog Yes. Unsweetened baker's chocolate contains 8-10 times the amount of Theobromine as milk chocolate. Semi-sweet chocolate falls roughly in between the two for Theobromine content. White chocolate contains Theobromine, but in such small amounts that Theobromine poisoning is unlikely. Caffeine is present in chocolate, but less than Theobromine.
MYTH: Dogs are fine sharing one food bowl How would you like it if every time you sat down to a meal, someone sat beside you eating from your plate? Dogs should have their own food bowl. This helps prevent food aggrestsion and makes it easier for you to know if your dogs are eating enough food or overeating.
MYTH: Bone Broth is just another fad Bone broth seems to be everywhere lately, with claims of health benefits ranging from improved digestion and weight loss, to arthritis relief and healthy skin. It may seem like just the latest in a long line of health trends, but bone broth is actually an ancient superfood with a history dating back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. If our dogs' descendants could have boiled water, chances are they would have brewed up this nutrition packed potion, themselves!
MYTH: Dogs just need to eat meat because that's what wolves eat This one might appear to make sense but the meat that we feed it likely to be "leans cuts" as opposed to what the wolf would eat which also includes the bones, hair, internal organs, and stomach contents i.e. vegetable matter.
MYTH: Dogs can eat anything that humans do Wrong! Feeding dogs food that humans enjoy can be fatal. Some foods that are toxic to dogs are chocolate, macadamia nuts and onions. Other ingredients that are dangerous for dogs are avocado, potato peelings and green-looking potatoes, rhubarb leaves, raisins and grapes.If you have concerns about your dogs diet, it is best to speak to your veterinarian or canine nutritionist for advice.
MYTH: My dog must be hungry since he will eat as much as I will feed him Dog obesity closely mirrors human obesity and it is going in the wrong direction. You are putting pressure on a dog's joints and internal organs when he is overweight and therefore potentially taking years off his life.
MYTH: Bone Broth can't have that much nutritional value It may seem farfetched that a simple stock brewed from the parts of animals we typically throw away could be so healthy for our dogs. Each cup of bone broth contains about as much protein as a large egg, a chicken wing or two slices of bacon. It is also packed with collagen, glycine, glucosamine, amino acids and several vitamins and minerals. Not bad for a cup of broth!
MYTH: If you feed a dog human food, he will learn to beg at the table One dog owner's "begging" is another's "attention" behavior, eagerly sought-after and highly valued. Behaviors that are reinforced continue and/or increase. If you fed your dog his own dog food from the table, he would learn to beg at the table. It has nothing to do with what type of food he is being fed! If you don't want your dog to beg at the table, don't feed your dog from the table. Whole Dog Journal readers know full well that human-grade food is better for dogs than much of the junk that's in many brands of dog food. Whether it's fed in a form that we recognize as something we might consume, or it's been transformed into something that more resembles our mental concept of "dog food," it all still comes from the same basic food ingredients.
MYTH: "Soup" can't possibly ease arthritis pain You may have heard that bone broth is a natural source of glucosamine, a nutrient frequently used to reduce joint pain, but it offers another important benefit for dogs suffering from arthritis. Collagen nourishes the skeletal system and is essential for rebuilding bone that is constantly lost due to aging and normal wear and tear. In this way, bone broth for dogs not only helps ease existing arthritis pain, it can also slow its progression.
MYTH: Picky dogs won't eat it You know the type. No matter what treat, topping or technique you try, these pups simply will not touch something new! One of the greatest benefits of bone broth is that it is naturally delicious meat gravy that dogs can have as a separate snack or eat over their favorite food! Unless your picky pup is a vegetarian, chances are he or she will eat it!
MYTH: Bone Broth will upset sensitive dogs' bellies While you should always consult your vet before making diet changes, especially when there are digestive troubles involved - bone broth tends to be safe and beneficial for dogs with delicate tummies. It is one of the mildest foods you can give to your pup as it comes from one of the most basic of dog foods - bones, and contains nothing extra.
MYTH: It's ok for you dog to have bad breath, it's natural and normal TOTALLY WRONG! If your dog's breath smells this can be a problem. Smelly breath tends to occur if there is dental or health problems. If it starts to smell for a couple of days have your dog checked out. A quick visit to your veterinarian will clear things up!
MYTH: Blind Society Belief - Marketing hype on pet food labels and not the reality Well, we are all guilty of believing the marketing hype on pet food labels and not being picky enough about what exactly is going into our dogs' stomachs.
MYTH: Feeding kibble all day Feeding kibble all day, every day is not always the healthiest choice - most kibble is pretty laden with fat in order to make it palatable to dogs. I often think it must be pretty boring to have the same meal every day too! Pet parents are often worried about feeding wet food because of concerns that the poop will be too soft. A really good quality wet food will be made with digestible ingredients so your dog poops a smaller amount and they are easy to pick up too!
MYTH: The kibble will keep your dogs teeth clean Nothing beats brushing!
MYTH: Dog treats are healthy! Check the treats you feed you dog! You may be feeding a great diet, then treating your dog with snacks and treats that are full of preservatives, sugars and tons of fat. It's very simple to make healthy treats you can keep in a jar and cheaper than buying them.
MYTH: Greasy smelling coat and bad breath connected to dog's diet If your dog has a greasy smelling coat and bad breath it is a lot to do with their diet. This is something that we don't seem to connect.
MYTH: My dog is always hungry so I feed him more This will lead to an overweight dog in almost all cases. Dogs are scavengers and as such they seem to have been biologically designed to be ready to eat whenever food presents itself and keep eating until they pop literally. It's a good idea to watch your dog's weight very carefully and adjust the food intake as necessary to make sure you can feel your dog's ribs and he or she keeps a "waist".
MYTH: I feed both of my dogs out of the same bowl because they get along well Wow, what mellow dogs you have! Let's keep them that way and feed them out of separate bowls! Most dogs will eventually fight over food or eat too much or not get enough if fed out of a communal bowl.
MYTH: I don't feed my dog people food because I don't want him to beg First, people food is food. Second, you get what you reward. If you reward for polite behavior the begging will cease pretty quick. Plus, dogs that don't know any better will beg for people food even if you didn't give him any of that food because they can smell it! I do agree however that is a good idea to be careful about what you feed your dog, not overfeed and not feed unhealthy foods.
MYTH: I don't train my dog with treats because I want my dog to obey me even when I don't have any treats Getting your dog to listen to you whether you have a treat nearby or not is a matter of being a little tricky and making sure your dog never can tell if you have a treat or not. For instance, I might ask my dog to be quiet in the house and if he does I can go to the cupboard and get him a treat. I don't need to have that treat in my hand and show it to him first, because we have had enough experience together that he knows a treat is coming if he listens. This is a matter of being tricky, practicing training and being consistent in rewarding your dog for good behavior. It is also a matter of making sure you do not rely on the luring phase of training too long. I suggest that people go from luring something like a "sit" to using the same hand gesture with "empty fingers" - no treat but it looks like you have one, and then feed your dog a treat after sitting. This can easily transition to a hand signal with a reward afterwards.
MYTH: Bacon Won't Harm Dogs You should not give chocolates to your dogs, although we know that many other human food products harm dogs, too. But some people give their food to dogs. In that more shocking collection is bacon. For many people, it seems logical that bacon would be a nice treat to gift to your canine companion from time to time. After all, bacon is a meat that must be there in the dog's diet. However, bacon can be very harmful to dogs and it will lead many health problems. Due to the rich levels of fat and grease in this pork food affects the pancreas, which is called as pancreatitis. The pancreas releases the digestive enzymes which are required for proper food digestion and absorption. Pancreatitis declines the ability of the pancreas, means that it doesn't function properly. This will lead to your dog digesting food partially and it becomes extremely ill. So the next time you will provide your breakfast plate and find your dog flashing his cute puppy eyes at you with drool drooping from his lips, rather than bacon it is better to go with other foods which are easily digestible.
MYTH: Dogs need carbohydrates We often think that dogs, like us, need carbs in their diet as a direct energy source. Because of this a lot of dog owners feed rice, potatoes or even pasta, and many commercial dog foods include those foods as well as cereal. However, dogs do not have the same digestive track as humans, being primarily carnivores their intestines are much shorter than ours, which causes them to not digest these types of food well. Dogs should get the least possible amount of carbohydrates in their diet, preferably none, to avoid bloating, excess sugar and long term consequences such as blindness. Eating a little cereal won't make them sick, but it should not be the main part of their diet. Instead, dogs need to get their energy from high amounts of protein, preferably from meat!
MYTH: A supplement needs to be "balanced" This statement doesn't make sense because the goal of supplementation is to provide nutrients that are in short supply in the regular die, which can vary quite a bit from one food product to another, depending on ingredients. In other words, we want to improve upon what's already provided in the food by adding nutrients that are lacking or in short supply, resulting in a better overall balance. A supplement that is "balanced" in itself may add more of what's already plentiful in the diet but still not help achieve sufficient levels of something else. An example: the minerals copper, iron, and zinc interact with each other and ideally should be present in the diet not only in sufficient amounts, but also in the proper ratio. Let's say we add a supplement which in itself provides a correct ratio of these 3 minerals to a diet that already contains an adequate amount of copper, much more iron than the dog actually needs on a daily basis, but not enough zinc. That supposedly "balanced" supplement does nothing to fix the issue, as it adds a little bit more copper to what's already sufficient, adds even more iron, and doesn't help with addressing the zinc deficiency.
MYTH: Dogs need a complete multivitamin/mineral supplement in addition to commercial food From the discussion above, you can already guess that this claim is incorrect. After investigating many commercial foods and comparing their nutrient content to the nutritional guidelines and recommendations of the National Research Council, I have found that most minerals are supplied in overabundance, many times more than the average dog needs on a daily basis. A few tend to come up short, but these are generally required in tiny amounts, so that not much needs to be added on a weekly basis. The fat soluble vitamins A and D are generally present in sufficient to high amounts, and adding more is not necessarily a good idea. The content of the water soluble vitamins of the B complex varies greatly from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer.
MYTH: Dogs eating processed foods need lots of antioxidants I agree that antioxidants are important, but please realize that when supplied in concentrated dosages and too great of an abundance, nutrients with anti-oxidant properties actually start to act as pro-oxidants. My recommendation is to not go overboard, too much of too many "good things" isn't necessarily in your dog's best interest, especially if certain health issues are present. Choose to supplement fresh, unprocessed foods rather than yet another thing from a bottle or jar.
MYTH: Nutrient X and nutrient Y work together, so they are both supplied in this product You already understand that ultimately the balance in the final diet, composed of food items and supplements is important, not just what the supplement adds. Sometimes it's wiser to just add one of the two, or more of one and less of another, to get a good balance. Example: an oil blend supplement claims that it is balanced in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Most commercial foods, and also many homemade diets, already contain enough or even excessive levels of omega 6 fatty acids and no shortage of omega 9 fatty acids, so adding more of these is (a) unnecessary and (b) won't help to create a better overall balance. Once again, save money and only add what's really needed.
MYTH: If adding this supplement doesn't help, at least it won't harm, so it's ok to use I wish I could say this is true, but it's not. Even something as innocuous as vitamin C can cause serious problems under certain circumstances. Sometimes products even contain not only poor quality ingredients best avoided, but outright suspect substances, like the synthetic version of vitamin K, menadione. As a rule, do not buy any supplements for which you can not obtain a detailed analysis of nutrients and an ingredient list. If a manufacturer is not willing to inform you just how much of a particular nutrient e.g. iodine, your dog will be ingesting per recommended daily serving of the product, using the excuse that this is "proprietary information" or some such nonsense - you are better off looking for a more trustworthy business.
MYTH: It's good for a dog to have some variety in their food Dogs love to be on a routine! At my job dogs know when breakfast, dinner & lunch is about to happen because of their routine. Some will start to bark and want to go inside when it turns to that time. You want to keep your dog's food consistent and if you do change it don't do it often. If you do change it often it could cause internal problems.
MYTH: Dogs like tasty food Dogs have very poor taste buds and eat primarily based on their sense of smell.
MYTH: Dogs eat rocks, lick concrete or eat their or another animals stools because of nutrient imbalances No one knows why dogs eat "stuff" that they should not eat. Some veterinarians believe that some dogs that eat "things" may be trying to get attention or acting out of boredom. It is important for dogs to eat a well balanced diet that will fulfill their dietary and nutrient requirements and have plenty of opportunities for play and exercise.
MYTH: Putting garlic in your dog's food will get rid of Worms & Fleas There is no scientific proof that putting garlic in your dog's food does much more than give him garlic breath. So if you are trying to keep vampires out of your home -sure go ahead, but if you want to get rid of worms it's not going to do much. Talk to our friendly vet nurses instead. Large amounts of garlic can even be harmful.
MYTH: Dogs Eat Grass to Make Themselves Vomit It's true that dogs will often throw up after eating a lot of grass. However, this does not mean they ate that grass to induce vomiting, or that it is somehow a sign of illness. The origin of this myth is most likely due to an incorrect assumption by dog owners. People observed their dogs vomiting after eating grass. They assumed that dogs intentionally ate grass when feeling sick to their stomachs in order to make them vomit. When you consider the real reason, this conclusion seems like the long way around. Why do dogs eat grass? Probably because they simply like it. Some dogs like to graze while others chomp. Enough grass in the stomach can create minor irritation and cause the dog to vomit. Some experts believe that a dog's taste for grass goes back to the days when a wild canid would eat the stomach contents of its prey - usually plants like grass and leaves. Regardless of the reason, it's relatively harmless as long as the grass is not chemically treated. That being said, if grass-eating has led to chronic vomiting in your dog, you should probably keep him away from the grass and visit your vet just in case.
MYTH: Table Scraps Are Good For Little Dogs No! Some foods can be harmful to your canine companion โ they can pose choking hazards or cause gastrointestinal problems such as pancreatitis. While your trash can or bin won't fill as quickly, you could be feeding your dog harmful bones, high-fat content foods and even ingredients that are toxic to your dog. Cooked bones are especially known for splitting and splintering, and just imagine what those splinters could do to your dog's internal organs. Other issues involve gastrointestinal problems and pancreatic concerns. Table scraps are empty calories for dogs. They need precisely balanced nutrition for their specific life stage and special needs to stay healthy. Do your dog a favour and stick to dog food and treats. If you want to reduce waste, try composting instead.
MYTH: Your dog's diet should be including supplements If the person that told you isn't a veterinarian then don't listen to them. Some dogs may need supplements depending on their body but not all do. Every dog is different so you want to consult your veterinarian about supplements and if you should use them. If your dog is eating high-nutrient filled food most of the time you wont need any supplements.
MYTH: Dogs shouldn't eat human food This belief is true to a degree, but it is not an absolute, ironclad rule. Examples of human foods that are dangerous or deadly for pets to consume include chocolate, grapes, raisins, caffeine, and alcohol. These should be avoided 100% of the time. On the other hand, some common staples of the human diet can also supplement a canine's meals. Fresh fruit and vegetables are vibrant and nutritious - particularly apples, bananas, carrots, and spinach.
MYTH: Digestive issues arise if a dog's diet changes often This may be the case in the short term, but only because dogs' stomachs become so accustomed to the same dog food every day, that anything new is a shock to their system. Incorporating a more diverse and well-balanced diet into your dog's life will make it healthier as well as more resistant to an upset stomach. People would get bored if they literally ate the same thing every day for years. There is no reason not to make your dog's diet more interesting so long as it is sensible, affordable and nutritious. You can incorporate cooked meat like chicken, lamb and pork into their dog food, as well as fruits or veggies to strengthen their stomach and provide them with rich nutrients.
MYTH: If you do choose to feed your dog human food, they will start to beg a lot more This behavior does not depend on what you feed them but rather how you handle them when you and your family are eating. Do your best to deter begging by having them in another room when you dine or to train them from an early age that begging is not okay. Make sure to always feed your dog out of its bowl and not from the dinner table - that will help establish boundaries.
MYTH: Foods other than dog food will negatively affect their weight This assumption is a misconception because one's dog could just as easily become overweight on a diet of purely dog food. Moderation and balance is crucial on a daily basis. Pet owners have the responsibility to provide a mix of foods that are healthy and enjoyable. A fusion of dog food and human food - cooked meat, fruits, and vegetables can accomplish this goal. Regular exercise is equally important to maintain a reasonable weight for one's pooch.
MYTH: Dogs need variety in the food they eat Your dog thrives on routine. Changing diet frequently and rapidly will do him more harm than good.
MYTH: Giving your dog leftovers will reduce waste While your trash can or bin won't fill as quickly, you could be feeding your dog harmful bones, high-fat content foods and even ingredients that are toxic to your dog. Cooked bones are especially known for splitting and splintering, and just imagine what those splinters could do to your dog's internal organs. Other issues involve gastrointestinal problems and pancreatic concerns. Do your dog a favor and stick to dog food and treats. If you want to reduce waste, try composting instead.
MYTH: Dogs need a lot of different foods to eat While we humans get bored if we have to eat the same food over and over, dogs are not the same way. In fact, your dog loves his routine. If you change the food that you give him frequently, he is more likely to become picky and will demand food changes more often. It could also cause gastrointestinal distress, which is never fun for a dog. It's also not true that you need to add supplements to their food. While something like a glucosamine supplement would be good for an older dog who is developing joint issues, a dog who is eating high quality food should not need any supplements.
MYTH: Bully Sticks Bully sticks pack a big caloric punch! In most cases such quantity has a wide negative influence for your dog. In public, there's a misconception which actually equil bully sticks to a daily treats for your pet. That's dangerous and not adviced to fill your doggy on a permanent maner with bully sticks. Look for something more healthy and less caloric.
MYTH: Raw Dog Food Misconceptions Your dog is not a wolf! A trip down the pet food aisle in any brick and mortar store and even searching ecommerce sites, can be overwhelming for any pet parent. Lately, the trend has been for pet food companies to place a picture of a wolf on the front panel of the bag and talk about the importance of ancestral diets, biologically appropriate diets, meat-rich diets, high protein / low carbohydrate, bringing out the wild side of your animal, etc. Many of these concepts play on the belief that a dog is not different from a wolf and should be fed like one. Most searches on the internet have good stories to support their rationale, however, it is likely that the majority of pet parents have never questioned if there is any peer-reviewed science or any science at all that supports this belief.
This brings us to the question many pet parents ask: Is my dog a wolf and should it be fed like one? In short, the answer is no. Although dogs are descendants of wolves, their domestication by humans led them to evolve from a mainly carnivorous diet to foods rich in starch. In 2013, Axelsson et al. conducted whole genome sequencing of both dogs and wolves to identify genetic variants occurring through the domestication of dogs. Of the variants identified in the study, the researchers found differences in genes tied to brain function - domestication for certain roles/functions and starch digestion - increased ability to digest starch vs. a wolf. Still not a believer? In 1999, Murray et al. conducted digestibility studies looking at starches / flours in dogs. In their study, they investigated the starch digestibility of corn, barley, potato, rice, sorghum and wheat. The digestibility for all sources were greater than 99%. In 2015, Bazolli et al. found similar results looking at rice, corn and sorghum in dogs. In all studies, starch digestibility was greater than 98%.
MYTH: Leftovers are fine for dogs to eat Dogs may not turn down many foods, but they also don't know what's being fed to them. As Petful maintains, while you may have the best intentions in keeping your dog happy and your trash can clean, many human foods contain too much fat for the canine digestive system, and sometimes even dangerous brittle bones. If you do give your dog leftovers, Only Natural Pet reports, healthy meat, or steamed and finely chopped vegetables and fruit are great choices. And It's important to give the animal less of their own food, to balance out the calories.
DOG DAILY ENERGY REQUIREMENT Proudly presented by By Hilary Jupp
There are three energy webs, the lines coloured in green, brown, and purple, that join a number of energy centres - the circles which are the same colour as their webs.
There are energy centres in each paw which are linked to the Thoracic Exit and Heart Exit. The Heart Thymus governs the energy to the whole immune system. The Heart Exit centre has a parallel to the Heart chakra in humans.
The Back Spine centre has a parallel to the human Crown centre. There is no Pituitary centre in the horse (and similar animals and herbivores), but there is in all other animals.
The blue around the body denotes the etheric body, which actually permeates the physical body as well as moving outside of it. In a healthy animal it reaches about an inch beyond the skin - in a sick animal it is tight to the body. The area shown as pink is the mental/emotional body, and the others gold and blues are the spiritual bodies, which stretch into infinity.
Although it would appear that this energy system is different to the meridian energy flow used by acupuncture and other therapies, both systems work. This is because we each create our reality by our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, rather than there being only one reality, and so reality is what we make it.
BEST FOOD FOR SENIOR DOGS This article is proudly presented by WWW.AKC.ORG and Caroline Coile
A long life is the result of good genes, good care, and good luck. While a few 4 leaf clovers never hurt anyone, chances are it is a little late to worry about good genes once you have welcomed a dog into your heart. That leaves good care as the one thing you can control now. And a big part of good care is good nutrition. As dogs age, their nutritional requirements change and evolve.
Obesity, arthritis, and cognitive and appetite loss are common problems for seniors. However, there are issues when it comes to feeding your senior dog. It is partially because senior dogs vary so much in their individual needs. That may explain why commercial foods for seniors vary so widely in nutrient levels. You should be aware of just a few important factors that apply to most senior dogs:
Protein Restrict is Off Do not Restrict Protein! This matter is widely misunderstood. Many people still believe senior dogs should eat less protein. We now know the opposite is true. Healthy seniors need more protein, not less, in order to fuel muscle. Loss of muscle mass is a major problem in older dogs. Some seniors lose so much muscle they can no longer walk unassisted.
Older dogs need about 50% more protein to maintain muscle mass compared to younger ones. But, diets formulated for adult maintenance diets often do not have enough protein to satisfy these needs. Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, recommends 28 - 32% protein on a dry-matter basis for healthy older dogs, especially in those cases where weight loss is needed.
Calories Does Matter Consider Calories. Younger seniors tend to be overweight. But, very old dogs tend to be underweight. Calories in senior foods varied widely, ranging from 246 to 408 calories per cup. So, the same senior food may be a great choice if your dog needs to lose weight.
But it may be a bad choice if they need to gain weight. Do not forget that the time to consider calories is well before old age sets in. Two benchmark studies conducted by major dog food companies Purina and Waltham both found that restricting calories throughout life improved longevity and reduced illnesses. Essentially, good care for senior dogs starts in youth.
Organ Health Feed For Organ Health. Other factors to consider are senior dog health problems such as heart and kidney disease. For both conditions, you will want a low-sodium food. Sodium levels in senior foods ranged from 33 to 412 mg/100 kcal. For kidney disease, you will want low phosphorous, but that is not even mentioned on any label.
The 2011 study found phosphorous levels varied by threefold in the senior foods they examined, but were on average higher than their representative adult maintenance food. Prescription diets are available for heart, kidney, and other diseases that take into account these nutritional needs. However, even those foods may have wide ranges of nutrients.
Any dog food manufacturer should be able to provide these numbers to you on their website or with a simple phone call. While you are at it, ask them about the credentials of the people formulating their foods. If they can not provide either, that is clue number one that you should find another product.
The Supplements Add Supplements. Some senior foods include supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin in an effort to combat osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, the evidence that these supplements actually work is limited. However, they won't hurt, except maybe your wallet. On the other hand, omega-3 fatty acids probably play an important role in senior diets because they may help combat both osteoarthritis and especially cognitive losses. If you are adding your own to your dog's diet, aim for the amount of EPA and DHA combined to be in the range of 700 to 1,500 mg. Build up starting at the low end and cut back if your dog has any diarrhea or vomiting.
Palatable Food Make Food Palatable For Senior Dogs. There are practical aspects of feeding your dog to consider, too. Senior dogs may have dental problems that make chewing difficult or uncomfortable. These dogs should first be treated for whatever problem they have, but if that is impossible or unsuccessful, consider wetting their food or feeding them canned or soft food. Simply feeding a smaller kibble size may help if you are feeding dry food. Senior dogs may be uncomfortable bending down to the food bowl or standing for long periods to eat.
Try serving their meals on a raised platform or encourage them to eat lying down. Very old dogs often lose their appetite. Warming the food can increase its aroma and may help stimulate the appetite - cooling it may make it less nausea, inducing in queasy dogs. At some point you may have to abandon your goal of a healthy balanced diet and just feed him whatever he will eat. The "wait until he is hungry enough" tactic does not work in seniors because their "hunger mechanism" may not be working correctly.
DOG FOOD TESTER This article proudly presented by WWW.INSIDEJOBS.COM
What do Dog Food Testers do? Not ones to let pets suffer from unhealthy, tasteless food, Dog Food Testers evaluate the nutritional value of pet food and, yes, taste test it. Pet Food Testers don't spend every day sampling a cuisine fit for a pampered pooch, though (don't worry, most Pet Food Testers spit it out instead of swallowing it). Most days, they're writing reports and thinking up new ideas on how to put a nutritional spin on a new line of food. Taste is important, but nutrition is the key to healthy pets.
Though dogs will eat anything, that doesn't mean they should. Pet owners want flavorful, immune-boosting dog foods. Smell is also important when choosing the best options. No homeowner wants a house that stinks of fish.
After you have narrowed down the selection to the best vitamin-packed foods in the bunch, what in the world do you look for in the taste test? Dogs can't talk, after all, so you need to develop a sense of what animals like. Animal knowledge comes in handy here.
Once you have popped a small bite in your mouth, you check for flavor - if you're saying, "Yuck!" then dogs probably are, too, texture, and consistency. Then you spit it out and move on to the next flavor.
Dogs of the world over would give you a big hug if they could. Only the finest in pet dining makes it to store shelves, and you can consider yourself a connoisseur in pet delicacies. Bon appetit!
Should I be a Pet Food Tester?
You should have a doctoral degree or higher and share these traits: Logical Thinker: You take a step-by-step approach to analyze information and solve problems.
Detail Oriented: You pay close attention to all the little details.
Outside the Box Thinker: Your creative brainpower gets a workout as you come up with innovative ideas.
Yoghund Frozen Yogurt Dog Treats Recall(10/18/2012)
DOG FOOD NAMES LIST (alphabetical) This information proudly presented by WWW.DOGICA.COM
4Health Dog Food (Canned) 4Health Dog Food (Dry)
1st Choise Adult (Dry)
Acana Dog Food (Dry)
Acana Regionals Grain-Free (Dry)
Addiction Dog Food (Canned)
Addiction Dog Food (Dehydrated)
Addiction Dog Food (Dry)
Adirondack Dog Food (Dry)
Advanced Pet Diets (Dry)
Alpo Chop House Dog Food (Canned)
Alpo Dog Food (Dry)
American Natural Premium (Dry)
Amicus Dog Food (Dry)
Annamaet Dog Food (Dry)
Annamaet Grain Free (Dry)
Artemis AGARx Immune Support (Dry)
Artemis Fresh Mix (Canned)
Artemis Fresh Mix (Dry)
Artemis Fresh Mix Maximal Dog (Dry)
Artemis Osopure (Dry)
Artemis Professional Formula (Dry)
Aunt Jeni's Home Made (Raw Frozen)
Authority Dog Food (Canned)
Authority Dog Food (Dry)
AvoDerm Natural Dog Food (Canned)
AvoDerm Natural Dog Food (Dry)
AvoDerm Natural Grain Free Dog Food (Dry)
AvoDerm Natural Revolving Menu (Dry)
AvoDerm Natural Vegetarian (Canned)
Azmira Dog Food (Canned)
Azmira Dog Food (Dry)
Back to Basics Dog Food (Dry)
BARF Dog Food (Raw)
Beef and More Dog Food (Dry)
Belcando Dog Food(Dry)
Bench and Field Dog Food (Dry)
Beneful Dog Food (Dry)
Beneful Dog Food (Summary)
Beneful Prepared Meals (Wet)
Berkley and Jensen Dog Food (Dry)
Best Breed Dog Food (Dry)
Best Choise Dog Food (Dry)
Big Red Dog Food (Dry)
Bil-Jac Dog Food (Dry)
Bil-Jac Dog Food (Frozen)
Bil-Jac Reduced Fat (Dry)
Black Gold Dog Food (Dry)
Black Gold Signature Series (Dry)
Blackwood Black Label (Dry)
Blackwood Dog Food (Canned)
Blackwood ExPro (Dry)
Blackwood Original Recipe (Dry)
Blackwood Special Diet (Dry)
Blue Buffalo Basics (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Basics (Dry)
Blue Buffalo Blue's Stew (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Family Favorites (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain Free (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain Free (Dry)
Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipes (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Life Protection (Dry)
Blue Buffalo Longevity (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Longevity (Dry)
Blue Buffalo Wilderness (Canned)
Blue Buffalo Wilderness (Dry)
Blue Seal Classics (Dry)
Blue Seal Dinner Classics (Canned)
Blue Seal Life Stages Dog Food (Canned)
Blue Seal Life Stages Dog Food (Dry)
Boots and Barkley (Dry)
Born Free Dog Food (Dry)
Bozita Robur Maintance (Dry)
Bosch Junior (Dry)
Bosch Mini (Dry)
Bosch Medium (Dry)
Bravo Balance Dog Food (Raw)
Breeder's Choice Active Care Healthy Joint (Dry)
Brothers Complete Allergy Formula (Dry)
Brothers Complete Grain Free (Dry)
Buckeye Dog Food (Dry)
Burns Dog Food (Dry)
By Nature 95% Meat (Canned)
By Nature Dog Food (Dry)
By Nature Entrees (Canned)
By Nature Organics (Canned)
By Nature Organics (Dry)
Caliber Dog Food (Dry)
California Natural (Canned)
California Natural (Dry)
California Natural Grain Free (Dry)
Canidae Dog Food (Canned)
Canidae Dog Food (Dry)
Canidae Grain Free Pure (Canned)
Canidae Grain Free Pure (Dry)
Canidae Single Grain Protein Plus (Dry)
Canine Caviar (Canned)
Canine Caviar (Dry)
Canine Caviar Grain Free (Dry)
CaniSource Dog Food (Dehydrated)
Carna4 Dog Food (Dry)
Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix (Canned)
Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix (Dry)
Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix Grain-Free (Canned)
Castor and Pollux Natural Ultramix Grain-Free (Dry)
Castor and Pollux Organix (Canned)
Castor and Pollux Organix (Dry)
Castor and Pollux Organix Grain-Free (Canned)
Castor and Pollux Organix Grain-Free (Dry)
Cesar Bistro (Canned)
Cesar Gourmet Filets (Canned)
Cesar Original (Canned)
Cesar Sunrise (Canned)
Chef Michael's Carvery Creations (Canned)
Chef Michael's Dog Food (Canned)
Chef Michael's Dog Food (Dry)
Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul (Canned)
Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul (Dry)
Country Acres Dog Food (Dry)
Country Squire Dog Food (Dry)
Country Vet Choice Dog Food (Dry)
Country Vet Dog Fuel (Dry)
Country Vet Premium Dog Food (Dry)
Dad's Dog Food (Dry)
Darford Zero/G Dog Food (Dry)
Darwin's Natural Selections (Raw Frozen)
Dave's 95% Premium (Canned)
Dave's Delectable Dinners (Canned)
Dave's Delicate Dinner (Canned)
Dave's Dog Food (Dry)
Dave's Grain Free (Canned)
Dave's Naturally Healthy (Canned)
Deli Fresh Slice and Serve (Rolled)
Diamond Dog Food (Canned)
Diamond Dog Food (Dry)
Diamond Naturals (Dry)
DNA Dog Food (Dry)
Doc's Choice Dog Food (Dry)
Dog Lovers Gold (Dry)
Dogli (Dry)
Doggy Bag Dog Food (Dry)
Dogswell Dog Food (Canned)
Dogswell Dog Food (Dry)
Dogswell Nutrisca (Dry)
Dogswell Nutrisca Freeze Dried (Raw)
Dr. Tim's Dog Food (Dry)
Dr. Pet (Dry)
Drs. Foster and Smith Dog Food (Canned)
Drs. Foster and Smith Dog Food (Dry)
Dynamite Dog Food (Dry)
Eagle Pack Dog Food (Canned)
Eagle Pack Dog Food (Dry)
Earth Naturals Dog Food (Dry)
Earthborn Holistic Dog Food (Dry)
Earthborn Holistic Grain Free (Dry)
Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural (Dry)
Enhance Dog Food (Dry)
Eukanuba Boxer (Dry)
Eukanuba Breed Specific (Dry)
Eukanuba Custom Care (Dry)
Eukanuba Dog Food (Canned)
Eukanuba Dog Food (Dry)
Eukanuba German Shepherd (Dry)
Eukanuba Labrador Retriever (Dry)
Eukanuba Natural (Dry)
Eukanuba Naturally Wild (Dry)
Eukanuba Premium Performance (Dry)
Eukanuba Pure (Dry)
Evanger's Classic Dinners (Canned)
Evanger's Dog Food (Dry)
Evanger's Grain-Free Game Meats (Canned)
Evanger's Hand Packed (Canned)
Evanger's Organic (Canned)
Evanger's Signature Series (Canned)
Evanger's Super Premium (Canned)
Evermore Dog Food (Frozen)
Everpet Dog Food (Dry)
EVO 95 Percent (Canned)
EVO Dog Food (Canned)
EVO Dog Food (Dry)
Evolution Diet Dog Food (Canned)
Evolution Diet Dog Food (Dry)
Evolve Dog Food (Dry)
Exclusive Dog Food (Dry)
Extreme Dog Fuel (Dry)
First Choice Dog Food (Dry)
FirstMate Dog Food (Dry)
FirstMate Grain-Free (Dry)
Flint River Ranch (Dry)
FreeHand Dog Food (Dry)
Forza10 (Dry)
Freshpet Select Homestyle (Tubs)
Freshpet Select Slice and Serve (Rolled)
Fromm Family Classics (Dry)
Fromm Four Star Nutritionals (Canned)
Fromm Four Star Nutritionals (Dry)
Fromm Four Star Nutritionals Grain-Free (Dry)
Fromm Gold Nutritionals (Canned)
Fromm Gold Nutritionals (Dry)
Gaea Dog Food (Dry)
Gayoso Farms Dog Food (Dry)
Gentle Giants Dog Food (Dry)
Go! Dog Food (Canned)
Go! Dog Food (Dry)
Go! Fit and Free (Dry)
Good Food (Dry)
Grandma Lucy's Artisan (Freeze-Dried)
Grandma Lucy's Pureformance (Freeze-Dried)
Grandma Mae's Country Naturals (Dry)
Great Canadian Dog Food (Dry)
Great Life Dog Food (Canned)
Great Life Dog Food (Dry)
Great Life Grain Free (Dry)
Halo Dog Food (Canned)
Halo Dog Food (Dry)
Happydog Light Croq (Dry)
Happydog Mini Croq (Dry)
Happydog Premium Croq (Dry)
Happydog Supreme Neuseeland (Dry)
Harmony Farms (Canned)
Harmony Farms (Dry)
HealthWise Dog Food (Dry)
Hi-Point Dog Food (Dry)
Hi-Standard Dog Food (Dry)
Hi-Tek Naturals (Dry)
Hi-Tek Naturals Grain Free (Dry)
Hi-Tor Veterinary Select (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet B/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet C/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet D/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet I/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet I/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet J/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet L/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet N/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet R/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet W/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet W/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Prescription Diet Z/D Canine (Canned)
Hill's Prescription Diet Z/D Canine (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Adult (Canned)
Hill's Science Diet Adult (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Adult Light (Canned)
Hill's Science Diet Adult Light (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Healthy Advantage (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance Grain Free (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Mature Adult (Canned)
Hill's Science Diet Mature Adult (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Natureโs Best (Dry)
Hill's Science Diet Puppy (Canned)
Hill's Science Diet Puppy (Dry)
Holistic Blend Dog Food (Dry)
Holistic Blend Grain Free (Dry)
Holistic Select Dog Food (Canned)
Holistic Select Dog Food (Dry)
Honest Kitchen Dog Food (Dehydrated)
Horizon Complete (Dry)
Horizon Legacy (Dry)
Hungry Hound Dog Food (Dry)
Iams Naturals Dog Food (Dry)
Iams Premium Protection (Dry)
Iams ProActive Health (Canned)
Iams ProActive Health (Dry)
Iams Veterinary Formulas Intestinal (Dry)
Iams Veterinary Formulas Skin and Coat (Dry)
Iams Veterinary Formulas Weight (Dry)
Infinia Dog Food (Dry)
Innova Dog Food (Canned)
Innova Dog Food (Dry)
Innova Prime Grain Free (Dry)
Inukshuk Dog Food (Dry)
Ivet Dog Food (Dry)
Joy Dog Food (Dry)
K9 Natural Freeze Dried Raw (Dehydrated)
Karma Organic Dog Food (Dry)
Kibbles 'n Bits (Dry)
Kirkland Cuts in Gravy (Canned)
Kirkland Dog Food (Canned)
Kirkland Dog Food (Dry)
Kirkland Signature Nature's Domain (Dry)
Kiwi Canine Pure (Canned)
Kroger Value Chunk Dog Food (Dry)
Kumpi Dog Food (Dry)
Lassie Natural Way (Dry)
Laughing Dog (Dry)
Life 4K9 Dog Food (Dry)
Life's Abundance (Canned)
Life's Abundance (Dry)
LiveSmart Dog Food (Dry)
Lotus Dog Food (Canned)
Lotus Dog Food (Dry)
Lotus Dog Food (Raw)
Loyall Dog Food (Dry)
Merrick Classic Dog Food (Dry)
Merrick Dog Food (Canned)
Merrick Grain Free Dog Food (Canned)
Merrick Grain Free Dog Food (Dry)
Mighty Dog (Canned)
Muenster Dog Food (Dry)
Mulligan Stew Dog Food (Canned)
Mulligan Stew Dog Food (Dry)
My Perfect Pet (Frozen)
Native Performance Dog Food (Dry)
Natural Balance Alpha Dog (Dry)
Natural Balance Dog Food (Rolls)
Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets (Canned)
Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diets (Dry)
Natural Balance Organic (Dry)
Natural Balance Synergy (Dry)
Natural Balance Ultra (Canned)
Natural Balance Ultra (Dry)
Natural Balance Vegetarian (Canned)
Natural Balance Vegetarian (Dry)
Natural Life Dog Food (Canned)
Natural Life Dog Food (Dry)
Natural Planet Organics (Dry)
Nature's Logic (Canned)
Nature's Logic (Dry)
Nature's Logic (Raw)
Nature's Recipe (Canned)
Nature's Recipe (Dry)
Nature's Recipe Grain-Free (Dry)
Nature's Select Dog Food (Dry)
Nature's Select Grain Free (Dry)
Nature's Variety Dog Food (Summary)
Nature's Variety Freeze Dried Raw (Dehydrated)
Nature's Variety Instinct (Canned)
Nature's Variety Instinct (Dry)
Nature's Variety Instinct Limited Ingredient Diet (Dry)
Nature's Variety Prairie (Canned)
Nature's Variety Prairie (Dry)
Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Frozen Diets (Raw)
Newman's Own Organics (Canned)
Newman's Own Organics (Dry)
Newman's Own Organics Grain Free (Canned)
Naxus Dog Food (Dry)
Northwest Naturals Freeze Dried Diets (Raw)
Now Grain Free Dog Food (Dry)
NRG Maxim Grainless (Dehydrated)
Nulo Dog Food (Dry)
Nutra Nuggets Dog Food (Dry)
Nutrena Dog Food (Summary)
Nutri Life Grain Free (Dry)
Nutrience Original (Dry)
Nutripet Dog Food (Dry)
NutriSource Dog Food (Canned)
NutriSource Dog Food (Dry)
NutriSource Grain Free (Dry)
Nutro Max (Canned)
Nutro Max (Dry)
Nutro Natural Choice (Canned)
Nutro Natural Choice (Dry)
Nutro Natural Choice Grain Free (Canned)
Nutro Natural Choice Grain Free (Dry)
Nutro Natural Choice Trays (Canned)
Nutro Ultra (Canned)
Nutro Ultra (Dry)
N & D Dog Food (Dry)
Ol' Roy Dog Food (Dry)
Ol' Roy Healthy Mix (Tubs)
Old Glory Dog Food (Dry)
Old Yeller Dog Food (Dry)
Ole Jack's Dog Food (Dry)
Oma's Pride Raw Mixes (Raw Frozen)
Only Natural Pet EasyRaw (Dehydrated)
Orijen Adult (Dry)
Orijen Puppy (Dry)
Orijen Senior (Dry)
Oven-Baked Tradition (Dry)
Oven-Baked Tradition Grain Free (Dry)
Party Animal Dog Food (Canned)
Paw Naturaw Organic (Raw)
Pedigree Dog Food (Canned)
Pedigree Dog Food (Dry)
Pedigree Little Champions (Canned)
Pedigree Plus Healthy (Canned)
Pelican Bay Dog Food (Dry)
PeopleFud Dog Food (Frozen)
Perfectly Natural Dog (Dry)
Performatrin Ultra (Dry)
Performatrin Ultra Grain Free (Dry)
Pet Botanics Dog Food (Rolls)
Pet Shoppe Dog Food (Dry)
Pet Tao Dog Food (Canned)
Pet Choise (Dry)
Petcurean Dog Food (Summary)
PetGuard Dog Food (Canned)
PetGuard Dog Food (Dry)
PetWay Dog Food (Dry)
Pinnacle Dog Food (Canned)
Pinnacle Dog Food (Dry)
Pinnacle Grain Free (Dry)
Pinnacle Peak Protein Formula (Dry)
Pioneer Naturals Grain Free (Dry)
PMI Nutrition Dog Food (Dry)
Precise Dog Food (Dry)
Precise Holistic Complete (Dry)
Precise Plus Dog Food (Dry)
Premium Edge Dog Food (Dry)
Premium Edge Healthy Weight Reduction (Dry)
Primal Raw Frozen Formulas (Raw)
Primal Raw Frozen Grinds (Raw)
Primal Raw Frozen Mixes (Raw)
Prism Dog Food (Dry)
Pro Pac Dog Food (Dry)
Pro-Pet Dog Food (Dry)
Professional Dog Food (Dry)
Pronature Dog Food (Dry)
Pronature Holistic (Dry)
Pronature Holistic Grain Free (Dry)
Proportions Dog Food (Blend)
Proportions Stew (Canned)
ProSeries Dog Food (Dry)
Pulsar Dog Food (Dry)
Pure Balance Dog Food (Dry)
Pure Vita Dog Food (Dry)
Purina Active Senior 7 Plus (Dry)
Purina Dog Chow (Dry)
Purina Fit and Trim (Dry)
Purina Healthy Morsels (Dry)
Purina Little Bites (Dry)
Purina Moist and Meaty (Semi-Moist)
Purina One (Canned)
Purina One (Dry)
Purina One Beyond (Dry)
Purina One SmartBlend (Dry)
Purina Pro Plan (Canned)
Purina Pro Plan (Dry)
Purina Pro Plan Selects (Canned)
Purina Pro Plan Selects (Dry)
Purina Puppy Chow (Dry)
Purina Veterinary Diets EN (Dry)
Purina Veterinary Diets HA (Dry)
Quality Care Plus (Dry)
Rachael Ray Nutrish (Dry)
Rachael Ray Nutrish (Tubs)
Rachael Ray Nutrish Just 6 (Dry)
Rancher's Choice Dog Food (Dry)
Red Barn Naturals Dog Food (Rolled)
Red Flannel Dog Food (Dry)
Redpaw Dog Food (Dry)
Regal Dog Food (Dry)
Rex Dog Food (Dry)
River Run Dog Food (Dry)
Rotations Dog Food (Dry)
Royal Canin Breed-Specific Adult (Dry)
Royal Canin Breed-Specific Puppy (Dry)
Royal Canin Cynotechnique Energy 4800 (Dry)
Royal Canin Giant Adult (Dry)
Royal Canin Maxi (Dry)
Royal Canin Medium (Dry)
Royal Canin Mini Adult (Dry)
Royal Canin Mini Aging Care (Dry)
Royal Canin Mini Puppy (Dry)
Royal Canin Mini Weight Care (Dry)
Royal Canin Starter (Dry)
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets Calorie Control (Dry)
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets Gastrointestinal (Dry)
Royal Canin Veterinary Diets Hypoallergenic Select Protein (Dry)
Science Diet Dog Food (Summary)
ShowTime Dog Food (Dry)
Simply Natural Dog Food (Dry)
Simply Nourish Dog Food (Canned)
Simply Nourish Dog Food (Dry)
Simply Right Dog Food (Dry)
Simply Right Exceed Dog Food (Dry)
Skoki Dog Food (Dry)
Sojos Complete (Dry)
Solid Gold Barking at the Moon (Dry)
Solid Gold Dog Food (Canned)
Solid Gold Dog Food (Dry)
Solid Gold Holistique Blendz (Dry)
Solid Gold Sun Dancer (Dry)
Sonny's Pride Dog Food (Dry)
Sportmix Dog Food (Dry)
Sportmix Premium (Dry)
Sportsman's Pride (Dry)
Spring (Dry)
Stella and Chewy's Freeze Dried (Raw)
Stella and Chewy's Raw Frozen (Raw)
Steve's Real Food (Dehydrated)
Steve's Real Food (Raw Frozen)
Summit Dog Food (Dry)
Summit Holistic Dog Food (Dry)
Supreme Dog Food (Dry)
Taste of the Wild (Canned)
Taste of the Wild (Dry)
Techni-Cal Dog Food (Dry)
Three Dog Bakery Bake to Nature (Dry)
Three Dog Bakery Gracieโs Gourmet (Wet)
Tiki Dog Food (Canned)
TimberWolf (Dry)
TimberWolf Wild and Natural (Dry)
Tops Dog Food (Dry)
Top Runner (Dry)
Trader Joe's Dog Food (Dry)
Tripett Dog Food (Canned)
Triumph Dog Food (Dry)
Tuffy's Dog Food (Dry)
Tuffy's Gold Dog Food (Dry)
Variety Dog Food (Canned)
VeRUS Dog Food (Dry)
Vets Choice Dog Food (Dry)
VF Complete (Dry)
Victor Dog Food (Dry)
Victor Grain Free Dog Food (Dry)
Vital Dog Food (Rolled)
Vom Daxi Hundefutter (Dry)
Well Fed Dog Food (Frozen)
Wellness 95 Percent (Canned)
Wellness Core Dog Food (Canned)
Wellness Core Dog Food (Dry)
Wellness Core Reduced Fat (Dry)
Wellness Dog Food (Canned)
Wellness Simple (Canned)
Wellness Simple (Dry)
Wellness Stews (Canned)
Wellness Super 5 Mix Dog Food (Dry)
Wenaewe Dog Food (Dry)
Weruva Human Style (Canned)
Weruva Kobe (Canned)
Weruva Kurobuta (Canned)
Whole Earth Farms (Canned)
Whole Earth Farms (Dry)
Wysong Anergen (Canned)
Wysong Archetype (Dehydrated)
Wysong Au Jus Diets (Canned)
Wysong Epigen (Dry)
Wysong Epigen 90 (Dry)
Wysong Gourmet (Canned)
Wysong Maintenance (Canned)
Wysong Maintenance (Dry)
Wysong Optimal Performance (Dry)
Zignature Dog Food (Dry)
ZiwiPeak Daily Dog (Canned)
ZiwiPeak Daily Dog (Dehydrated)
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